华尔街英语干货分享:暖心小故事 温暖身边人 华尔街英语一直以来,都在给大家分享一些歌曲、诗文和书籍,从来没有给大家分享过故事。华尔街英语分享三个英文暖心小故事,学会之后讲述给身边人听,让身边人共同感受细水长流的温暖和爱意。 第1篇 Today, I operated on a little girl. She needed O- blood. We didn’t have any, but her twin brother has O- blood. I explained to him that it was a matter of life and death. He sat quietly for a moment, and then said goodbye to his parents. I didn’t think anything of it until after we took his blood and he asked, “So when will I die?” He thought he was giving his life for hers. Thankfully, they’ll both be fine. 译文:今天,我给一个小女孩做手术。她需要O型血。我们一点也没有了,但她的双胞胎弟弟也是O型血。我跟他解释这是一个关于生死的问题。他安静的坐了一会,就开始和他的父母告别。我一开始没在意,直到我们给他抽血结束后他问:“我什么时候会死?”他以为他在用自己的命换姐姐的命。感谢上苍,现在他们两个都平安无事了。 第2篇 Today, I told my 18 year old grandson that nobody asked me to the prom when I was in high school, so I didn’t attend. He showed up at my house this evening dressed in a tuxedo and took me as his date to his prom. 译文:今天,我告诉我18岁的孙子没有人邀请我参加毕业舞会所以我没去。结果他晚上穿着燕尾服出现在我的房间,把我作为他的舞伴带到了他的毕业舞会。 第3篇 Today, I chose the wrong number and accidentally sent my dad a message saying “I love you,“ which was meant for my husband. A few minutes later I got a reply: ”I love you too. Dad." It was so touching. We say things like that to each other so rarely. 译文:今天,我选错了号码,无意中把要发给我丈夫的“我爱你”发到了爸爸的手机上。几分钟后我收到了回复:“我也爱你。爸爸。”这太让人触动了。我们和父母说这些话的时候真是太少了。 日常生活中,学会给身边人多一点关心,多一点爱,你会收获很多的真心。同时不断提升自己、丰富自己的内涵,让自己变成好的人,也是报答身边爱你的人最好的方式,接下来的日子里带着爱的信仰继续与华尔街英语一起变得更好。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/68e0097c541810a6f524ccbff121dd36a22dc4d5.html