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关于写信的初中英语作文篇一:Letter of Resignation 辞职信

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thanks for offering me the opportunity to work for Designs & Fashion .

But I have to say sorry for having to quit this job.

Painfully, I have overestimated my adaption to this job to some degree.

First of all, my personality has some conflicts with this job. Editor needs patient and unique viewpoint, which is what I am lacking of .

What’s more, to be an excellent editor, people have to read a variety of books .

As a student majored in science, knowledge of literature is what I am looking for.

Though I like this job very much, I have to say sorry for quitting my job and getting you so much trouble.

Yours sincerely,Jim 亲爱的黄先生:

非常感谢你给了我为设计和时尚工作的机会。 但我不得不说抱歉因为要辞掉这份工作。 遗憾的是我高估了我对这份工作的适应能力。 首先,我的性格与工作冲突。

编辑需要耐心和独特的观点,但这却是我所缺乏的。 更重要的是,要成为一名优秀的编辑员需要涉猎群书。 作为一名理科生,文学知识是我需要寻找的。



关于写信的初中英语作文篇二:A Letter to a Friend 给朋友的一封

Dear Robert,

I'm glad to receive your letter.

Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam.

Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses.

Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting.

Last, I will do some reading in the vacation.

What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation. John

亲爱的罗伯特: 我很高兴收到你的来信。

现在我会告诉你期末考试后我的暑假计划。 首先,我会去学开车。我觉得学会开车是很有用的。 其次,我会参加一些英语课程。

第三,我会参观一些旅游景点。肯定很激动人心。 最后,我会在假期中去阅读。 你呢?我希望你能有一个完美的假期。 约翰

关于写信的初中英语作文篇三:A Letter to a Friend 给朋友的一封

Dear Amy,

Long time no see. How is everything going? I am writing to tell you a good new about me.
