并联用英语怎么说 并联是元件之间的一种连接方式,其特点是将2个同类或不同类的元件、器件等首首相接,同时尾尾亦相连的一种连接方式。通常是用来指电路中电子元件的连接方式,即并联电路。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。 并联英语说法1: Parallel connection 并联英语说法2: shunt connection 并联英语例句: 并联一种把电流分成两条或多条通路的联接电路元件的方法。 An arrangement of components in a circuit that splits the current into two or more paths. 实现了并联机构连续轨迹运动。 Continuous track motion of the parallel robot was realized. 对串联和并联两种补偿方案都作了分析处理。 Both series and parallel compensation schemes have been dealt with. 可以让孩子们用这个来做并联或串联电路。 You could do parallel and series circuits for kids using this. 主发电机并联好了吗? Are the main generators back on the line? 驱动器拓扑可以分为并联和串联两种。 Driver topologies can be divided into parallel and serial types. 并联构型装备正处于商品化、产业化的关键时期。 Parallel kinematic machines are in the process of industrialization. 实现了并联机构连续轨迹运动。 Tracking errors affect the motion accuracy of parallel mechanisms. 告诉我并联电路的优点是什么好吗? Could you tell me what the advantages of parallel circuits are? 并联有源电力滤波器主电路的设计是核心环节之一。 Main circuit design is one of the core tache in the systematic design. 也可以应用于插入并联式混合动力汽车,插入混联式混合动力汽车以及电动汽车。 Can also be used in plug-in parallel type hybrid vehicle, plug-in split type hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle. 5自由度串并联机器人控制系统设计 Design on the control system of 5 DOF series-parallel robots GLC并联电路很少见,但实践性很强。 GLC parallel circuit is rare, but very practical. 这种并联安装方式中,大阀门处理降到低流量空穴下的最大流量需求。 In parallel installations, the larger valve handles the requirements for maximum flow down to its low flow capacity. 用于提高修船效率的绳牵引并联机器人之设计 Design of the wire-driven parallel robot for raising ship-repair efficiency 灌溉用水量的并联型灰色神经网络预测 Prediction of irrigation water use using parallel gray neural network 射频电路中串/并联元件间的互逆变换 Reciprocal transformations between series/ parallel components in RF circuit 输出电压可调,远程控制,并联工作。 DC voltage Adj, Remote control, parallel operation. 流动无线电台机这两台发电机并联发电。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6b6152a1ab8271fe910ef12d2af90242a995ab64.html