ALT E-Cigarette Instructions 悦尔电子香烟用户手册 www.altecigs.com 品味健康生活,从这里开始! Enjoy Healthy Lifestyle, Start Here! 目录 User Guide 包装清单Contents of ALT pack 07 产品概述Introduction 11 产品介绍Components 12 使用指导Getting started 16 操作指南Operating instructions 17 充电指南Direction for charging battery 注意事项Cautionary notes 21 疑难排除Troubleshooting 2 3 18 您已向更加健康的生活方式迈进了积极的一步,为您及您身边的人。 感谢您选择了悦尔电子烟! If you are already a smoker, you’ve just taken a positive first step on the road Congratulations on choosing ALT! to a healthier lifestyle, not only for yourself but for those around you. 注意:尼古丁使人上瘾,请慎重选择。 Nicotine is highly addictive. If you don't already smoke or use nicotine we strongly recommend you not to start with ALT. 包装配置 Your ALT pack contains *Please check the model what you choose 请根据你所选择的型号进行核对 悦尔尊享系列 ALT Luxury Series 悦尔经典系列 ALT Classic Series 悦尔 悦尔电子烟ALT e-cigarette 备用电池Extra battery 烟弹Pack of refill cartridges 悦尔标准系列 ALT Standard Series 智能便携充电盒Smart Portable charger case 转换插头及充电线Adapter/USB cable 车载充电器Auto charger 尊享系列 ALT Luxury Series 悦尔经典系Classic 悦尔电子烟ALT e-cigarette 备用电池Extra battery 烟弹Pack of refill cartridges 便携盒Carry case 转换插头Adapter USB充电器USB charger 列 ALT Series 悦尔标准系列 ALT Standard Series 悦尔电子烟ALT e-cigarette 烟弹Pack of refill cartridges 便携袋Leather pocket 产品概述 Introduction 充电适配器Adapter USB充电器USB charger 悦尔电子烟是一种采用高新微电子技术的微型雾化装置,是当前全球范围内最为成功的传统香烟替代品。它有着与香烟一样 的外观、一样的味道、一样的吸烟感觉,但是没有传统香烟所产生的焦油、一氧化碳、烟灰、明火及 铅汞等有害物质。 ALT e-cigarette looks like a traditional cigarette, feels like a traditional cigarette, tastes like a traditional cigarette, but it isn’t a traditional cigarette. It’s just a most successful alternatives to traditional tobacco cigarettes on the market today. It is a non –flammable product that uses state of the art classy micro-electronic technology which provides smokers a real "smoking" experience without the fire, flame, tobacco, tar, carbon monoxide, ash, stub or smell found in real cigarettes. 悦尔电子烟介绍 ALT e-cigarette Components 悦尔电子烟与普通香烟烟的本质区别在于: 悦尔电子烟不含对人体有害的焦油成份,没有致癌物质; 悦尔电子烟不燃烧,没有燃烧后所产生的多种有害化学物质; 悦尔电子烟没有“二手烟”对他人造成的危害及对环境的污染; 悦尔电子烟无火灾隐患,您可以在任何地方自由地享受; Important differences between ALT e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes: • ALT e-cigarette contains no tar nor does it contain many of the carcinogenic substances found in traditional cigarettes, that are harmful to the human body. • No ignition is involved, so there is no real smoke – meaning none of the harmful chemicals contained in conventional cigarette smoke. • Eliminates “passive smoking”. • No possibility of fire risk. • ALT e-cigarettte can be used in most No Smoking situations. 烟弹 Cartridge 雾化器 Atomizer 电池 Battery 指示灯 Indicator light 悦尔电子烟由烟弹、雾化器及内置微电子技术的可充电电池组成。 ALT e-cigarette consists of an atomizing device and cartridge, micro-computer controlled circuits, a lithium battery component, and an operating mode indicator light at the tip of the unit. ALT electronic cigarette offers smokers a tar-free way to enjoy smoking and the freedom to smoke most everywhere. 电池Battery 悦尔电子烟电池采用独特的内部保护设计, 具有更长的使用寿命。 电池的顶端是LED指示灯,当抽吸的时候,模拟抽吸传统香烟现象亮灯。除此之外LED指示灯具有充电提示功能。 ALT batteries are the latest in Lithium Ion technology. Designed for long-lasting life, each battery has a metal twist attachment at one end for easy screw-on assembly. At the other end of the battery is the indicator light, which emits a brilliant glow whenever you inhale, providing a unique experience. The light also acts as an alert system, letting you know when your battery needs to be recharged. 每个电池的寿命可达300次以上充电循环。 Each battery can be re-charged at least 300 times. 雾化器Atomizer 雾化器是发热组件,是雾化装置。 悦尔电子烟雾化器采用独有的导热材料,具有更长的使用寿命。 The atomizer is the heating element in an E-Cigarette that produces vapor. ALT atomizer is designed for long-lasting life with unique material. 充电器Charger 转换插头额定输入:AC100-240V/0.1A 50/60HZ,输出:DC5.0V/0.8A。 你亦可使用USB充电器通过计算机进行充电。 请勿在室外或潮湿的环境下充电。 The Adapter operates at a voltage of 100-240v AC, 50/60Hz. Output: DC 5V-200mA. For your convenience ALT e-cigarette can also be charged via the USB port of a computer. Do not charge outdoors or in a damp environment 智能便携充电盒Smart PCC * 适用于悦尔尊享系列Only available for ALT Luxury series 悦尔智能便携充电盒内置1200mAh储蓄电池,可对电子烟电池充电6次以上,无需担心充电问题,让您可以随时随地享受悦尔电子香烟。除此之外,它具有传统香烟盒尺寸,可放置4个烟弹、1支电子烟以及1支备用电池,方便您携带享受悦尔电子烟所需的配件。 悦尔智能便携盒采用高强度ABS材料,轻便,人性化设计,更不容易损坏。 It is a high precision state-of-the-art product which has been designed to allow you to enjoy all the benefits of your ALT cigarette – on the go. This one-of-a-kind pack doubles as a battery charger when you are away from your home or office, so you’ll always have a fresh battery whenever you need it. ALT Smart PCC holds up to five of your favorite flavor cartridges and it comes with a convenient storage slot to hold the spare battery. The hard plastic shell is light weight, yet crumple resistant to protect everything from accidental damage and exposure to the elements. 烟弹Cartridge 烟弹由烟嘴及含有雾化液的载体组成,吸烟时模拟传统香烟产生烟雾,但不含焦油及其它香烟具有的有害物质。可根据需要定制不同口味的烟弹:如中华烟草、薄荷及水果等。它含有尼古丁常规(高)、中、低和零四种浓度。 The ALT e-cigarette cartridge consists of an inhaler and a liquid container, which contains a diluted nicotine solution. Unlike conventional cigarettes, it does not contain ingredients such as tar, carbon monoxide, or many of the carcinogenic substances found in cigarettes, all of which are harmful to the human body. 悦尔电子烟标准配备烟弹口味为中华口味,尼古丁含量为常规。您亦可在悦尔官方网站选择你所喜欢的口味的烟弹。 The atomized cartridges are classified according to nicotine content into four strengths: Regular (High), Medium, Light, and nicotine free. The Alt e-cigarette kit comes with regular strength, tobacco flavored cartridges. Menthol cartridges are also available as well as other flavours, such as apple, peach, coffee and chocolate through our website: www.altecigs.com 请注意,悦尔电子烟烟弹专为悦尔电子烟使用,是一次性产品,请勿重复使用。 Remember the atomized cartridge is a specialist accessory for the ALT e-cigarette only. 请放置在小孩接触不到的地方。 Remember that the cartridge is disposable and must not be re-used. Dispose of it properly after use, and keep out of the reach of children. 使用指导 Getting started 1. 拔掉雾化器的保护套 Remove the atomizer protector and discard. 2. 取出新烟弹,取掉烟弹硅胶塞 Unpack cartridge and remove the rubber stopper. 3. 将烟弹紧紧到雾化器上Push the cartridge onto the atomizing device firmly, forming an airtight seal. 4. 开始使用 The ALT e-cigarette comes charged and ready to use. 操作指南 Further operating instructions 为让您更加规范和安全地使用产品,悦尔电子烟具有过度使用保护。如果您不间断抽吸超过5秒,电池顶端的显示灯会闪烁2次予以提示。 If you inadvertently over-use your ALT e-cigarette (making a single inhalation of five seconds, the indicator light at the tip will flash continuously 2 times to remind you that you are over using the product. 当电池显示灯连续闪烁10次,提示电池电量过低,请及时充电。 When the indicator light at the tip flashes continuously for 10 times, it indicates the battery is running low and should be replaced with a freshly charged one. 当在使用过程中烟雾量明显减少,请及时更换新的烟弹。 When the volume of smoke noticeably starts to reduce, it is time to fit a new cartridge. 充电指南 Directions for charging the battery *Please check the model what you choose 请根据你所选择的型号进行核对充电方式 悦尔经典和标准系列 For ALT Classic and Standard series 将电池拧进USB充电器,然后将USB充电器插入转换插头或计算机上,USB充电器上指示灯亮起,同时电池显示灯亮起,进入充电。 Screw the battery into USB charger and plug into mains adaptor or laptop. Ensure power supply is on. The RED light on the charger and indicator light at the tip of battery will come on, indicating that charging is taking place. 正常充电需要2小时左右。当电池顶端显示灯灭时,表示充电完成。 Normal charges will take about 2 hours. The indicator light at the tip of battery will turn off when the battery is fully charged. 悦尔尊享系列 For ALT Luxury series 第一步:对悦尔智能便携充电盒进行充电 1Step: Charging the PCC st 通过usb充电线将智能便携充电盒连接转换插头或计算机上,蓝色显示屏亮起显示电量以及充电状态。 Connect the USB cable from the base of the PCC case to the AC Mains Adapter or to the USB port of your PC/laptop. The blue LCD display will illuminate to show that the PCC is charging, and the state of charge will show by the number of blocks that are displayed. Checking the PCC Power Status: The button may be pressed at any time to illuminate the LCD screen and show the charging state. If the indicator light blinks RED, the PCC battery is exhausted and should be charged as soon as possible. 第二步:悦尔智能便携充电盒对悦尔电子烟电池充电 2nd Step: Charging the ALT e-cigarette battery using the ALT Smart PCC: 1. 将电池拧紧到智能便携充电盒内充电孔 Screw the ALT e-cigarette battery into the charging socket of the Smart PCC; 2. 按住LCD右下方的按钮约3秒,直到电池顶端的显示灯闪烁5次后松开。在此过程中,充电盒上LCD显示屏左下方的LED指示灯同时也会闪烁,从绿灯变成红灯,进入充电状态。 Press and hold the button on the PCC (under the LCD screen) for 3 seconds until the tip of the cigarette (indicator light) blinks 5 times, then release. The green LED light on the PCC will also flash several times (whilst “searching” for the cigarette battery) and will then turn from GREEN to RED, indicating that charging is taking place. 3. 充电盒上LED指示灯从红灯转成绿灯后,表明电池充满。 Charging is complete when the red LED light on the PCC returns to GREEN. 温馨提示: Note that: 如果电池没有拧到位或接触不良,开始充电时,电池顶端的显示灯不会闪灯。 悦尔智能便携充电盒具有节电电设计,在充电过程中,或使用过程中,便携充电盒上LCD显示屏会熄灭,进入节电模式。轻按按钮,即可恢复显示。 If battery is not in the charging socket or there is a bad contact, the indicator light on the cigarette will not blink. During charging, the LCD screen will not be illuminated and the LED light on the PCC will go off in order to save power. 注意事项 使用此产品之前,请仔细阅读本手册,以便正确地使用此产品; Be sure to use your ALT e-cigarette in accordance with the instructions in this manual. • 充电过程中请注意电池和充电器远离火源或高温区域 Keep the battery and charger away from high temperatures whilst charging. •本产品充电器为本产品充电使用,请勿作它用 The charger should only be used with ALT e-cigarette and not for any other purpose. • 如果长时间不使用本产品,请拧下电池放置在干燥的地方。 If your ALT e-cigarette is not to be used for a prolonged period of time, remove the battery from the device or charger. Fully charged batteries should be stored in a cool, dry place. • 充电过程中,如发生烧焦,请立即断电 If your battery should give off any smells or vapours whilst charging, or gets very hot, switch off immediately. • 如果电池有液体流出,为避免接触眼睛,请及时洗手 In the unlikely event of leakage from a battery, avoid contact with eyes and wash hands thoroughly. 请放置在儿童接触不到的地方,以防引起不适。 KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. TOXIC IF SWALLOWED. Cautionary notes 悦尔电子烟适用人群: 疑难排除 Troubleshooting 长期嗜烟并感觉不良者、长期工作在禁烟场所并有吸烟习惯者、有志戒烟者。 ALT e-cigarette is designed for: Long-term habitual smokers who want a healthier alternative to conventional cigarettes,. Those wishing to “smoke” in no-smoking areas. Those who wish to create a healthier atmosphere than that associated with traditional cigarettes. 悦尔电子烟禁忌使用人群: 未成年人,无吸烟习惯者及对烟碱过敏者,孕妇,不适宜吸烟者。 ALT e-cigarette is NOT designed for: Those under 18 years of age, Non-smokers, Those sensitive to nicotine or any other ingredient in the cartridge, Pregnant or nursing women. Those with specific medical conditions who have been told they should avoid smoking such as those with heart conditions, kidney/ liver problems or diabetes. If in any doubt consult your GP. 1.当电池显示灯连续闪烁10次,提示电池电量过低,需要及时充电或更换电池。 When the indicator light at the tip flashes continuously for 10 times, it indicates the battery is running low and should be replaced with a freshly charged one. 2.当在使用过程中烟雾量明显减少,需要更换新的烟弹。 When the volume of smoke noticeably starts to reduce, it is time to fit a new cartridge. 3.若电池充满电,使用时电池指示灯不亮,或无烟雾产生,请检查电池与雾化器是否拧紧。 If, having installed a fully-charged battery, the indicator light does not illuminate, or there is no smoke, check that the battery is thoroughly screwed in. 4.如果排除以上3个问题,依然无法正常使用,请联系您的销售商,或通过悦尔官方网站与悦尔售后服务中心取得联系。 If (following 3 above) the problem continues, please contact your dealer or ALT e-cigarette customer service via our website. © Copyright HongKong ALT Limited 2011, All rights reserved. ALT name and ALT logo are trademarks of ALT Limited. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6bc31e47deccda38376baf1ffc4ffe473268fd56.html