介绍台风的英语作文 Typhoon The typhoon is a category of tropical cyclones. In meteorology, press the world meteorological organization definition: tropical cyclone center sustained winds up to 12 level. 台风是热带气旋的一个类别。在气象学上,按世界气象组织定义:热带气旋中心持续风速达到12级。 The typhoon in recent years the typhoon happened according to relevant data show that the typhoon happen rules and characteristics of main have the following: a seasonally. The typhoon (including tropical storm) commonly occur in summer, the earliest between happened in early may, the late happen in November. 2 it is the typhoon center landing sites difficult to accurately forecast. The typhoon subject to change the direction of the wind, often ChuRenYuLiao, typhoon center landing sites often and forecast of outsiders. Three is the typhoon has sex. Rotating The landing of the first commonly after north south. Four is of serious damage. To weak buildings, all kinds of lines, trees overhead, ships at sea, and the sea, and the sea cages fish such as a destructive crops. 5 typhoon is often accompanied by heavy rain, the sea happened tide, big tsunami. Six is strong typhoon occurs, the force majeure, easy cause casualties. 台风根据近几年来台风发生的有关资料表明,台风发生的规律及其特点主要有以下几点:一是有季节性。台风(包括热带风暴)一般发生在夏秋之间,最早发生在五月初,最迟发生在十一月。二是台风中心登陆地点难准确预报。台风的风向时有变化,常出人预料,台风中心登陆地点往往与预报相左。三是台风具有旋转性。其登陆时的风向一般先北后南。四是损毁性严重。对不坚固的建筑物、架空的各种线路、树木、海上船只,海上网箱养鱼、海边农作物等破坏性很大。五是强台风发生常伴有大暴雨、大海潮、大海啸。六是强台风发生时,人力不可抗拒,易造成人员伤亡。 1 / 1 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6c75f5c36cdb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f77c64d49.html