用英语学英语口语:Yourpriceishigh什么意思? 用英语学英语,用英语同义词之间互相对换“理解”,是你在有机会跟人说英语之前必须训练的“内功”。我们往往做不到“见英语说英语”,而是“见英语说中文”。 有人来跟你买电脑,你报价后,对方说: Your price is (too) high! Your price is high是什么意思(指英语)? 同义词替换口语练习: Well, when you say:Your price is high, you mean your computer is too expensive. The price is (too) high means something is expensive, something is not cheap. 注意下面的口语表达: Well, we always say the PRICE is high, the price is low, the price is reasonable. But we say SOMETHING is expensive, or cheap. We don't say a price is expensive. When a price is reasonable, that means the price is neither too high, nor too low. Both the buyer and the seller can accept it. 所以,the price is (too) high就不能仅仅是中文“价高”了。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6c7d3f2fe75c3b3567ec102de2bd960590c6d929.html