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我们除了要知道怎么样读standard这一英文,还有必要知道它详细的中文意思。店铺为大家精心准备了单词standard具体所指的中文意思,欢迎大家前来阅读。 standard的中文意思

[ˈstændəd] [ˈstændərd] 第三人称复数:standards standard 基本解释

名词 标准,规格; 旗,军旗; 度量衡标准; 直立支柱 形容词 标准的,合格的; 普遍的,一般的; 公认为优秀的 例句

1. Your work is not up to (the) standard. 你的工作未达到标准。

2. Your recent work has been below standard. 你最近的工作一直低于标准。

3. The kilogram is the international standard of weight. 公斤是国际通用的重量标准。 standard的单语例句

1. The metropolis is working on a campaign to promote the standard Chinese language and characters, which business insiders say will be launched by the end of this year.

2. He said business representatives have expressed concern that English standard in the city has been declining.

3. Aside from the skills and experience factors, another issue is the use of standard business practices and ethics.

4. The diffusion of these innovations into standard business operation may require more than a push from the financial sector.

5. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao encouraged overseas Chinese

business people to optimize their investment structure and raise the standard of their investments on the Chinese mainland.

6. Standard Chartered Plc plans to hire 500 employees this year for its wealth management business in Hong Kong.

7. The personal service that Astor demanded set an industry standard, by providing butler services.

8. Shanghai is also planning incentives to encourage motorists to scrape their old cars and buy new ones meeting the national IV standard.

9. Standard Chartered has never ruled out the possibility of buying another domestic bank if it can meet the bank's rigid strategic and financial standards. standard的词典解释

1. (尤指合格的)水平,水准

A standard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to be acceptable.

e.g. The standard of professional cricket has never been lower...


e.g. There will be new national standards for hospital cleanliness.

有关医院清洁的新国家标准将会出台。 2. (用以衡量质量的)标准,基准

A standard is something that you use in order to judge the quality of something else.

e.g. that were by later standards absurdly primitive. 以后来的标准来衡量显得非常原始的系统 3. 道德准则;行为规范

Standards are moral principles which affect people's attitudes and behaviour.
