
时间:2023-04-23 01:23:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. Language, learning, and teaching:the concept of language, the differences between L1 and L2, L2 and FL, the distinction between learning and acquisition.

2. Theories of first and second language acquisition: behavioristic approaches, the nativist approach, functional approachesthe parameters for comparing and contrasting the first language acquisition and second language acquisition. 3. Contrastive analysis, interlanguage and error analysis: 4. Human learning theories:operant conditioning, meaningful learning, Rogers humanistic psychology, transfer, interference, overgeneralization.

5. Learning styles and strategies:definition and classification of learning styles and strategies, communication strategies, strategy training.

6. Personality factors in language learning:inhibition, interest and motivation, anxiety, risk-taking, self-esteem, empathy. 7. Presentation and explanation:effective presentation, presentation procedures, explanations and instructions. 8. Language teaching methods:grammar-translation method, direct method, audio-lingual method, community language

learning, suggestopedia, the silent way, total physical response, communicative language teaching.

9. Different aspects of language teaching:teaching

pronunciation,vocabulary, grammar, teaching listening, speaking, reading and writing.

10. Lesson planning:lesson preparation, varying lesson

components, designing a lesson, evaluating lesson effectiveness, practical lesson management.

11. Classroom interaction:patterns of classroom interaction, questioning, group work, individualization, the selection of appropriate activation techniques.

12. Test: basic concept of tests, types of text elicitation techniques, designing a test.
