安徽大学留学生导师接收意向表 Form for Provisional Acceptance of International Student by Supervisors of Anhui University 申请人姓名 Applicant’s Name 拟录取专业 Specialty 学习期限 Duration of Study 导师意见(Supervisor’s Comments): 导师姓名(Name of Supervisor): 签名(Signature): 日期(Date) : 导师所属院系: College/Department 电话Tel.: 电子邮箱 Email: 申请人邮箱 Applicant’s Email 拟录取类别 Level of Study 授课语言 Language of Instruction □硕士生(Master) □博士生(PhD) □汉语 Chinese □英语 English 注:本表由我校研究生导师填写;根据与外国学生沟通了解的情况,提出接受意向。本表不作为留学生的录取凭证。外国留学生可将本表作为申请的辅助材料递交给留学生招生部门。 Note:This form is filled by supervisors of Anhui University according to his knowledge of the applicant. This form cannot be used as an official letter of admission; it can only be used as a supplementary part of the application materials for study at Anhui University. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6d405b8703020740be1e650e52ea551810a6c9b9.html