东北师范大学国际学生日常表现考察表 Daily Performance Form for NENU International Students ________年(Year)____月(Month) 学生姓名(Full Name) 国籍(Nationality) 所在院系 (School/Faculty) 导师评价(supervisor’s comment): 优秀(excellent) 良好(good) 中等(medium) 较差(poor) 很差(very poor) 具体表现(specific performance ): 签字(signature) 年 月 日(date) 所在院系意见(school’s comment) 外事院长或秘书签字(signature) 盖章(stamp) 年 月 日(date) 留学生办公室意见(ISO’s comment) 签字(signature) 盖章(stamp) 年 月 日(date) 注:1、此表的目的是为了及时掌握并沟通留学生的学习生活状况,发现并解决问题,方便导师与学院对学生的培养,提升培养质量。 2、此表格每月填写一次,并于当月的21-26日由留学生本人交到留学生办公室,作为国际研究生导师、学生所在院系及留学生办公室沟通信息的主要方式与途径,并作为国家奖学金领取和校内奖学金评选的主要依据。 3、导师及学院需根据学生出勤,与导师沟通,论文进展等情况对学生做出评价。如导师外出,可授权学院相关负责人代填导师意见。 Note: 1. The purpose of this table is to master the living and learning conditions of international students, helping us to discover and solve problems. It will be convenient for tutors and schools to cultivate international students and improve the quality of education. 2. This table needs to be filled in each month by the students and handed in during the 21st -26th in the same month to the International Student Office. It is the main way of exchanging information between international graduate students’ tutors, schools which international students study in and the International Student Office. Meanwhile it is a key referential material for acquiring CSC Scholarship,Confucius Institute Scholarship and school scholarship for international students. 3. Tutors and schools should evaluate students according to their attendance, frequency of communicating with tutors and progress of their paper. Responsible officer could be authorized if the relevant tutor is not in the university. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7503a851250c844769eae009581b6bd97f19bcb8.html