
时间:2022-04-15 08:20:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. Where is the XX ?

2. Is there a XX near here ? 3. Whichis the way to the XX ? 4. How canI got to the XX ?

5.Do you know yhe way to the XX ? 6. Can you tell me yhe way to the XX ? 7. Can you tell me how to get to the XX ? 1how to get there

Excuse me, can you tell me how _______the history museum? A get to b gets to c to get to

2\ _____your new sweater ___me,please? A show ,to b\give,for c\have ,for d shows,to 两者意思一样,没什么好解释 就像give sb sth /give sth to sb 1. 两者几乎没有区别。

show sb sth = show sth to sb 把某物展示给某人看 2. 非要有什么区别的话,可以这么说:

1)如果sbsth都是代词的话,则只能用show sth to sb,而不能用show sb sth. 如:show it to me √;但是不能说show me it

2)两者在变被动语态时,sb提前做主语时,to必须省略;sth提前做主语时,则要有介词to. 如:I was shown this photo. = This photo was shown to me 3 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 .4\ That’ll teach sb (not) to do sth


5\ 讲某种语言用 speak

6\take off1.

脱下;移去He took off his raincoat and took out the key. 他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。 2. 起飞The plane will take off soon. 飞机马上就要起飞了。

3. 休假He took two weeks off in August. 他在八月份休假了两个星期。

take-off名词 n.1. 起跳();起飞;发射2. 出发点3. 【口】(滑稽或讥讽性的)仿效4. 拿走

take over . 接管take-over接管;接收;接任

接收;接管; 抢占;占领;接办;接任

take over 接收;接管; 抢占;占领;接办;接任 2. 接受,接管;借用;承袭...

take over接受,接管;借用;承袭 3.占据;接任(职位)\

take after;...相似 长的很像

;...相似He takes after his father, a drunkard. 他就像他父亲一样,醉汉一个。 She took after her mother almost in everything. 她几乎与她母亲一模一样。

take on1.

穿上;呈现The insect can take on the color of its surroundings. 这种昆虫能随环境而变色。 2. 承担He is unwilling to take

take action 1

采取行动We have to take action to stop them. 我们得采取行动来制止他们。 2. 提出诉讼He took action against Jack. 他控告杰克。 3. 开始起作用

take as gospel1.

对某事深信不疑He takes his doctor's words as gospel. 他对医生的话深信不疑。

takeout名词 n. 1. 带出去,取出;外卖2. 外卖的餐馆3. 【牌】(对同伴叫牌的)改叫

take aback使震惊We were greatly taken aback by her attitude. 她的态度使我们大为震惊。 takeup1. 拉紧2. 紧线()3. 照相机卷片装置
