春游用英语怎么说 春游,古称踏青,是一种古老的汉族民俗文体活动。春游能使人心胸开阔,疲劳消除,精神振奋,还能促进细胞的新陈代谢,是一种很好的娱乐休闲活动。那么你想知道春游用英语怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来春游的英语说法和英语例句,欢迎大家参考学习。 Spring Tour spring outing 英 [spriŋ ˈaʊtɪŋ] 美 [sprɪŋ ˈaʊtɪŋ] 去春游 go on a spring trip 春游方式 ways of spring tour 春游计划 Spring tour plan 老师让我们写一篇关于春游的作文。 The teacher asked us to write a composition about the spring outing. 你可以去春游或者放风筝。 You can have a spring outing and fly the kite. 他们要一起去春游。 They are going for a spring outing. 人们喜欢春游。 People like to go for an outing spring. 他们要一起去春游。 They are going for a spring outing. 我和我的同学上周进行了一次春游。 My classmates and I went spring outing last week. 请和导游核实一下我们什么时候去春游。 Please the tourist guide when on a spring outing. 我们这个星期六要去春游。 We will have a spring outing this Saturday. 这次春游,我们去野生动物园玩。 We went to safari park for spring outing. 阳光明媚。小女孩和鹅上了山羊的马车。他们要一起去春游。 It's a sunny day.The girl and the goose get in the goat's cart.They are going for a spring outing. 郊外阡陌纵横,我第一次去春游时几乎迷路。 With paths crisscrossing in the suburbs, I almost lost my way the first time I went for a spring outing. 从终点站下车后,我们换乘小车,直奔此次春游目的地&黄河森林公园。 After alighting from the terminal, take our car, headed straight for the spring outing destination-the Yellow River Forest Park. 明天我们要去胡里山炮台春游,一睹古炮大王的尊容。 Tomorrow we're going to have spring outing. We're going to Huli Mountain Fortress to see the king of old cannon. 喂,葆拉!我们到超市为明天春游去买些东西吧。 Hello, Paula, Let's go to the supermarket to buy something for tomorrow spring outing. 因为这是我小学生涯最后一次春游了,我们都会怀念这次春游! Because it is the last spring outing in my primary days! We'll all miss this spring outing. 中国售票员到西北春游。 Chinese conductors take voyage northwest spring travel. 和你的小孩去春游,找春天去。 Take a spring walk with your child with a goal of spotting signs of spring. 坏天气使我们无法春游。 The bad weather forbids a spring outing. 我们也举行春游活动。 We also have a school trip in spring. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6e0542696aeae009581b6bd97f1922791688be69.html