Sichuan University 24 south Section 1 Ring Road No.1 ChengDu, SiChuan 610065 P.R.China SICHUAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT ACADEMIC RECORD (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) NAME(姓名): Dudie XU(徐都爹) SCHOOL CODE(学号):1043004134 DATE OF BIRTHDAY(出生年月): Aug. 1919 (1919.8) SEX(性别): Male MAJOR(专业):Polymer Material and Engineering(高分子材料与工程) SCHOOLING(学制):4 YEAR(4年) DURATION OF SCHOOL(在校期间):Sept. 2008-July 2012(2010.9-2014.7) COURSE(课程) First Year(Sept.2008-July2009)(第一学年) Physical Education-1(体育-1) College English-1(大学英语-1) Fundamentals of Modern Chemistry(Ⅱ)-1(近代化学基础(Ⅱ)-1) Situation and Policies-1(形势与政策-1) Basics of Computer (大学计算机基础) 16 36 0.25 2 1 3 3 3 3 0.25 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 92 90 90 94 93 90 86 92 90 93 90 83 93 98 95 HOURS CREDITS (学时) (学分) MARKS(分数) 1st SEM. 97 97 94 2nd SEM. 32 64 32 1 4 2 Chemical Experiment (Ⅱ)-1(工科化学实验(Ⅱ)18 -1) Engineering Graphics(Ⅰ)(工程制图(Ⅰ)) Linear Algebra (Ⅱ)(线性代数(理工)) calculus(Ⅱ)-1(微积分(Ⅱ)-1) Thought Morals Accomplishment and Basic Law(思想道德修养与法律基础) Situation and Policies-2(形势与政策-2) Physical Education-2(体育-2) Calculus(Ⅱ)-2(微积分(Ⅱ)-2) University Physics(Ⅱ)-1(大学物理(理工)Ⅱ-1) Physics Experiments(Ⅲ) -1(大学物理实验(理工)Ⅲ-1) Bionics of materials and innovative thinking(材料仿生与思维创新) The Outline of Modern Chinese History(中国近现代史纲要) Polymers and Society Progress(高分子与现代社会发展) 1 32 32 48 16 32 58 48 48 48 48 58 48 COURSE(课程) College English-2(大学英语-2) Fundamentals of Modern Chemistry(Ⅱ)-2 化学基础(Ⅱ)-2) Fundamentals of Modern Chemistry(Ⅱ)-3(近代化学基础(Ⅱ)-3) Introduction of Science and Technology(科学技术概论) Mental Health Education(大学生心理健康) Military Theory(军事理论) (近代HOURS CREDITS (学时) (学分) MARKS(分数) 1st SEM. 88 95 93 88 92 98 92 85 93 90 93 91 91 2nd SEM. 96 92 93 80 96 93 90 89 98 93 98 64 32 32 48 16 16 4 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 0.25 2 4 1 3 4 1 2 6 Chemical Experiment (Ⅱ)-2工科化学实验(Ⅱ)18 -2 Second Year(Sept. 2009-July 2010)(第二学年) College English-3(大学英语-3) The Basic Principles of Marxism(马克思主义基本原理概论) University Physics(Ⅱ)-2(大学物理(理工)Ⅱ-2) 48 Physics Experiments(Ⅲ) -2(大学物理实验(理工)Ⅲ-2) Base of Modern Life Science(现代生命科学基础) Physical Chemistry(Ⅰ)-1(物理化学(Ⅰ)-1) Fundamentals of Modern Chemistry(Ⅱ)-4(近代化学基础(Ⅱ)-4) Military Training(军训) Situation and Policies-3(形势与政策-3) Engineering Training(Ⅲ) (工程训练(Ⅲ)) 32 16 32 48 48 48 16 64 48 Chemical Experiment (Ⅱ)-3 (工科化学实验(Ⅱ)64 -3) Physical Education-3(体育-3) 32 Chinese Culture(Philosophy)(中华文化(哲学篇)) 48 College English-4(大学英语-4) Physical Education-4(体育-4) Constitutionalism and human rights(宪政与人权) 64 32 32 The Introduction To Mao Zedong Thought And Theory 96 Of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics(毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 ) Physics Demonstrate Experiments-1(物理演示实验 16 -1) Organic Synthesis(有机合成) Fundamentals of Material Science and Engineering(材料科学与工程基础(双语)) Polymer Chemistry (I) (高分子化学(Ⅰ)) 64 32 48 1 2 3 4 90 89 97 93 2 本文来源: