作文素材-在线教育是好是坏? 题目:Universities and colleges are increasingly offering distance learning qualifications over the internet. Is this development a positive one? 思路分析: 目前越来越多的大学开始提供在线教育课程以及相应的证书,这一趋势将会对高等教育体系产生深远影响。在线教育的好处有: (1) 价格便宜。不少全球顶级院校都提供了在线教育课程,这些课程大部分是免费的,或者只收很少的费用,这让贫困学生也有机会接受全世界最好的大学教育。而且一些在线教育平台(比如Coursera)还提供了证书认证服务,这些证书正在被越来越多的雇主认可,这有助于上不起大学的年轻人获得好的教育,并找到好工作。 (2)在线教育还能提升传统大学的教育质量。大学生通过在线教育平台能够轻松接触到全球最优质的课程,这会让他们越来越难以忍受传统大学糟糕的教学质量。这种竞争压力会在一定程度上促使传统大学提升教学水平。 (3)在线教育还能够帮助那些已经参加工作的人进行自我提升。职场人士时间往往较为紧张,不太可能参与传统课堂形式的学习。在线教育在时间和地点上比较灵活,能够让他们也有机会去学习自己感兴趣的知识和技能。 在线教育的缺点有: (1)完成在线教育课程需要有强大的驱动力和自制力,这一点很多人难以做到,这也导致在线教育课程的辍学率一直居高不下。 (2)在线教育课程往往缺乏互动和反馈,这会阻碍学生的学习热情以及影响学习效果。 实际写作时认为在线教育是积极发展或者消极发展都可以。 范文: The rising popularity of online education in recent years has triggered debate about the impact it may have. In my view, distance learning has the potential to change the world for the better and should therefore be welcomed as a positive development. One of the benefits of distance learning is its contribution to social mobility. Top institutions today often charge high tuition fees, a sum that can put off students from disadvantaged backgrounds. By contrast, online courses offer the poor the chance to listen to star lecturers and get a degree for a fraction of the cost of attending a university. Moreover, as distance learning qualifications are gradually being recognized by employers the world over, poor students who attend online courses have the opportunity to land a good job and break the cycle of poverty. Another benefit of distance learning is that it helps to push up teaching standards. A large number of online courses are taught by the world’s leading academics, and the easy access to these courses makes students less willing to put up with dull and uninspiring lectures in traditional universities. As a consequence, teaching standards will be forced up, and students will benefit. Online education also enables those who have a hectic schedule to improve themselves. The flexibility of distance learning means that people are able to learn at their own pace and without the constraint of time and space, making it possible for them to make progress outside office hours. Admittedly, distance learning is not without disadvantages. Participants in online courses are easily distracted by computer games, music or social media, and there is a lack of interaction in most courses. However, as technology advances, it is hard to imagine this situation will last for long. Overall, distance learning is beneficial in that it improves social mobility, drives up teaching standards and helps people with their self-improvement. It is therefore an exciting development, the effects of which will be felt far and wide. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6f7cafd40166f5335a8102d276a20029bc6463ce.html