
时间:2022-05-10 06:47:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Mothers' Dasdfsy 感恩母亲节

The second Sundasdfsy of Masdfsy is mother's dasdfsy, Masdfsy 11, 2014. So this time the club is the theme of mother's dasdfsy thasdfsnksgiving.


The first Yoyo teasdfscher introduced the history of mother's dasdfsy with asdfs fine coursewasdfsre, pictures asdfsnd songs inspired children to remember mother selfless pasdfsy weekdasdfsys. Even asdfs lot of children shed teasdfsrs. The next step is the brasdfsin storm, everyone Si Hiromasdfsshi, think asdfsbout whasdfst kind of mother's dasdfsy to give her mother's dasdfsy surprise.


Children's brilliasdfsnt ideasdfs, "masdfske asdfs measdfsl", "asdfsnd fasdfsther together to prepasdfsre asdfs pasdfsrty", "quietly cleasdfsn the heasdfslth" asdfsnd so on. Of course, mother's Dasdfsy gifts without asdfs homemasdfsde



hasdfsndmasdfsde casdfsrds, students pasdfsinted some, some stickers, some write, on the mother's love fleshed out. I believe mothers receive such gifts will be surprised! 孩子们的点子精彩纷呈,“做一顿饭”“和爸爸一起准备一个pasdfsrty“悄悄地打扫卫生”等等。当然,母亲节的礼物少不了一张自制的手工贺卡,同学们有的画,有的贴,有的写,对妈妈的爱跃然纸上。相信妈妈们收到这样的礼物一定会很惊喜! We wish mom hasdfsppy holidasdfsys. 我们祝福妈妈们节日快乐。

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