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发言的英语说法1 speak

发言的英语说法2 make a statement 发言的相关短语:

发射波 transmitting wave; 发射波形 transmitted waveform; 发射材料 emitting material; 发射常数 emission constant; 发射程序 launching procedure; 发射程序表 countdown profile; 发射导弹 launch a guided missile; 发言的英语例句:

1. Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.


2. Information officers are in the front line of putting across government policies.


3. He went even further in his speech to the conference. 他在大会发言中作了更进一步的阐述。

4. Delegates sat in rapt silence as Mrs Fisher spoke. 费希尔夫人发言的时候,代表们都一言不发专心致志地听着。 5. The Prime Minister was speaking ahead of today's meeting. 首相在今天的会议开始之前作了发言。

6. Among the speakers at the gathering was Treasury

Secretary Nicholas Brady.


7. A spokesman said this firm action had defused a very nasty situation.

一位发言人称这一坚决的行动缓和了极为棘手的局面。 8. I speak for all 7,000 members of our organization. 我代表本组织的7,000名成员发言。

9. The Chancellor's statement lowers expectations of an early election.


10. Even then, she continued to speak out at rallies around the country.

即便到了那个时候,她还继续在全国各地的集会上公开发言。 11. They heckled him and interrupted his address with angry questions.


12. His son was praised for speeches of remarkable fluency. 他儿子因为发言流畅自然而得到了表扬。

13. A spokeswoman said the agreement had been declared null and void.

女发言人称该协议已宣布无效。 14. They seldom speak. 他们很少发言。

15. He's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention. 他决定在民主党全国代表大会上发言。
