秃子英语怎么说 秃子一般指人没有头发。多为男士头发脱落严重引起的头顶或整个头上完全没有头发。有时候也指光头。那么你知道秃子用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 秃子的英语说法1: baldy 秃子的英语说法2: baldicoot 秃子的英语说法3: baldhead 秃子的英语例句: 1. Get lost, baldy. 别烦我,秃子。 2. The airless Mexican walked boldly out. 墨西哥秃子大模大样地走了出去. 3. She came here because of us and that baldy insulted her too. 她来这里注意是因为我们和那个秃子也侮辱了她. 4. The consequence was the man soon found himself entirely bald. 结果,不久后男人发现自己变成了秃子. 5. The nurse scarified thebard that his as red as a lobster. 护士给秃子梳头梳得太重,弄得他的头顶红得像龙虾一样. 6. P - who live in glasshouse shouldn't throw stones. 住玻璃房子的人切忌扔石头;秃子别骂和尚;五十步别笑百步;自己有错误就别去批评别人. 7. Jeff Van Gundy thought so. 范秃子是这样认为的. 8. Descende, calve , ut ne nimium decalveris. 下来吧,秃子, 不然就剥掉你的头皮. 9. Which one was Bueno , the thin one , the fat one or the bald one? 那个是Bueno, 瘦子?胖子?还是秃子? 10. He is beaten up by blacksmith who recognizes his wife from Baldy Li's description. 他被铁匠一顿好打,因为铁匠从秃子的描述中认出了他的老婆. 11. The nurse scarified the bald man so hard that his head was as red a lobster. 护士给秃子梳头梳的太重,弄得他的头顶红得像龙虾一样. 12. No way, Jose ! You almost made Kevin bald when you did his hair. 没门, 你给凯文理发的时候,差点给他理成了秃子. 13. The man mumbled a reply and before the Inspector could repeat the question, the others answered. 那个秃子在检查员重复问别的人这个问题来回答之前含糊其辞地做出了回答. 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/804ca14dbbd528ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2b81.html