
时间:2022-07-20 17:08:41 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

在职证明书格式在职证明书 兹有***同志(身份证号码:************),为我公司聘用的*****。任职期限自********日起至********日止。特此证明。单位地址:______________ 话:______________ _______公司主管签字(公章) _____________日在 兹证明 XXX

先生或女士,于XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX公司或单位任XXX职务至今,月薪XXXX元人民币。 特此证明,XXX公司法人或负责人XXX。电话:XXXXXXX手机:

XXXXXXXXXXX ______________ 盖公司印章 ______________ 任职公司名称 _____________ 工作证明应注意的几个问题

从雇主那里提供工作证明书要注意的有下面几点: 1、证明书要打印在公司信纸上面。

2、信纸上应该有公司的详细地址及电话号码。 3、证明信应该有人签名,也应该有公司盖章。


5、信里面最好能够提供如果需要询问的话,要找谁与其电话号码。 因为没有把上列的资料提供,移民官在电话查询时碰到困难引起很多不便及误会。因为这样本来要通过的申请也有可能被拒。 在职证明书英文版 CERTIFICATE

Date: month day, year Series 97: 001

This is to certify that Name, has been a teacher of Subject at Taipei County Hai-Shan High School since Date, and is still a member of our faculty. Name

National ID No. Date of Birth Sung-Hsi Wu Principal

Taipei County Hai-Shan High School 带解说版: CERTIFICATE ______________

This is to certify that xx-x姓名 passport NO. xx-xxx-xxx-x 护照号is

employed by our firm since xx-xxx-x雇用年月. His/Her current income monthly is RMB xx-xxx月收入.

We hereby confirm he/she is going to 所去国家 on travel. From XX TO XXX游起始日期.

We further guarantee xx-x 姓名will comply with local law and regulation during her or his stay in 所去国家 and will also be back on time, meanwhile, we are willing to retain her or his position until she or he comes back .

This certificate is issued to facilitate him/her application for a visa for such a visit . 公司名称 日期 盖章 公司地址: 电话: 联系人:

