
时间:2023-04-12 19:07:55 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
六年级毕业完成对话练习: 姓名: _______________________ 家长检查签名: ______________________________ 一、 补全对话。


A: Mr Chen, we are going to _____________ a welcome party for Linda this Saturday afternoon.

_____________ you like to come?

B: I 'd _____________ to. _____________ I bring some f ood?

A: No, it 's OK. Jiamin 's parents _________________ prepare all the food. B: Where and ___________ is the party? A: Two o 'clock at Jiamin ' s.

B: Fine. I ' ll ____________ there at two. A: Would you like to come too, Miss Wang?


A: Guangzhou People 'sHospital. Can I _______________ you? B: Good morning. May I ___________ to Doctor Wang Bing, please? A: I 'm _____________ . Doctor Wang is _____________ here. He 's on holiday this week.

Can I __________ a message for him?

B: No, _____________ . I 'll ______________ back later. When will he come ________________ ? A: I think he ' ll be back in the office next Monday. B: That 's fine. Thank you.


A: Hello.

B: Hello. May I speak to Gao Yue, please? A: ____________ . B: Hi, Gao Yue. I ____________ you this afternoon, but you ___________ at home. A: I __________ in the city library.

B: We are going to have a picnic in the People' s Park tomorrow afternoon. __________________

you want to come?

A: That 's great! When _______________ you going to start? B: We will ____________ at the school gate at one o 'clock. A: Fine. I 'll see you _________________ at the school gate.


A: Hello, China Hotel. Can I ___________ you? B: Yes. May I ___________ to Mr White, please.

A: I am sorry, ___________ could you spell his name, please? B: W-H-I-T-E. He is in ____________ 403.

A: I 'm _____________ . Mr White is _______ here. Would you ___________ to leave a


B: Yes. Te ll him I 'll come to call him ___________________ this evening at eight o 'clock. A: What 's you r _____________ , please? B: Miss Green. Thank you. Bye. A: Bye.

A: Hello, ____ I speak to Jiamin? B: This is Jiamin _________ . A: Hi, Jiamin. ______ are you going to do tomorrow?

(V) you, Ben?B: I am going to ________ Baiyun Hill. What _____

A: I ' m going to do ___________ . So I feel ______ . B: Why _______ you come with me?

A: I ' d l _______ to. But I ' m afraid it will last long, because I will have a pia no less on _____ 2:00pm.

B: Don ' t _______ . We can start for early. Then we can come back early, t A: Good idea. _______ shall we meet?

B: At 7:30. Let ' s __________ at No. 540 bus station near your home. A: OK. I will get there _______ time.

B: Well, you ' d __________ go to bed right now. A: All ______ . See you tomorrow. B: See you.


A. What _______ you do yesterday, Ben? B: I _______ to the cin ema and ________ a film. A: Oh, what is the _______ of the film?

B: Hort on Hears a Who. It is a film about an elepha nt. A: That sounds great. I _______ at home yesterday.

I ______ bored.

B: I ' m _________ to hear that. _______ did you do at home?

A: I ________ my homework in the morning, and _______ a picture in the after noon. In the eve ning I _______ my mother clea n the house. B: Oh, you ______ a busy day yesterday.

Jane: ______ didn ' t you come to school yesterday, Tom? Tom: Because I _______ ill. I _______ a cold.

Jane: I ' m _____ e that. Are you all now? ________________ Tom: Yes, you. you have an En glish exam Jane: Yes, we did. Tom: ______ ult?

Jane: No, it ' s ________ . ____ Tom: I must work harder now.

Jane: I ' m sure you can up with us. Tom: I hope . _________


考试last week?

A: ___________ me. Could you tell me __________ to get to the Zen gche ng Hotel?

B:Yes. _________ right here. And the n _________ straight ahead. __________ the first left.

A:Is it o n the right _________ on the left? B: It ' s ____________ the right. A: Thank you.

B: You ' re _______________ .
