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1. 我们国家最重要的传统节日是春节,那时我们会走亲访友。

Which is your the most important traditional festival in your country? (The spring festival is the most important traditional festival.)

How do you celebrate it? (We usually visit friends and relatives at that time.) 2. 我家离学校大约五公里远,所以我通常乘坐公共汽车去上学。 How far is it from your home to your school? (It's about five kilometres.) How do you usually go to school? ( I usually go to school by bus.) 3. 我姓布朗,我的电话号码是80047562

What's your family name? (My family name is Brown. ) What's your telephone number? (My telephone number is 80047562.) 3. 我的奶奶80岁,但是他的身体仍然健 康。

What's the age of your grandmother? (My grandmother is eighty years old.) How is she doing? (He is still healthy.) 4. 城市的空气污染越来越严重,我们出行应该经常坐公交车。 what do you think of the air in your city?

(Air pollution is getting more and more serious in our city.)

What's suggestion can you offer? (We should take a bus when going out.) 5. 我更喜欢旅游,旅游能让我放松身心

Which do you prefer, staying at home or going on a trip? ( I prefer going on a trip.)

How do you feel when travelling? (I feel relaxed when travelling.) 6. 我喜欢听流行音乐JAY CHOU是我最喜欢的歌手。

Which music style do you like? (I like popular music.)

Who is your favourite singer? (Jay Chou is my favourite singer.) 7. 我爸爸送我一台IPAD,它很方便也很有用。

What present have you got? (My father gave me an ipad.) How do you find the present? (I find it convenient and useful.) 8. 我的圣诞礼物是一张明信片,上面有一只可爱的大熊猫。 What is your Christmas's gift? (It's a post card.)

What does it look like? (There is a lovely panda on the card.) 9. 我的电脑出故障了,我明天会请人修一下.

What has happened to you? (Something is wrong with my computer.) How will you deal with your problem? (I will ask someone to repair it tomorrow. ) 10. 现在我的电脑显示时间是1030分,火车1045分开。

What's the time now by your watch? (It's ten thirty by my watch at the moment.) When does the train leave? (The train leaves at ten forty-five.) 11. 今天99日,明天是教师节。

What's the date today? (It's September the ninth.) What Festival is it tomorrow? (It's Teachers' Day.) 12. 我是三年级二班的学生,家住在学校附近的第九街。

Which class and which grade are you in? (I'm in Class2, Grade3.)

Where do you live? (I live in the Ninth Street near the school.) 13. 单词panda的意思是中国四川一种吃竹子的动物 How many letters are there in the word "panda"? (There are five letters in the word "panda".) What does the word mean?

( It means"a kind of animal eating bamboo shoots living in Sichuan Province, China".)

14. 中国的面积是960万平方公里,有55个少数名族。 What's the area of China?

(It's area is nine million and sixty thousand square kilometres.) How many minorities are there in China?

(There are fifty-five minorities in China .) 15. 去医院应该沿着街走,在第一个拐角处往左拐,从这里大约要走10分钟。 Can you tell me the way to hospital?

(Yes, go down the street ,and turn left at the first turning.)

How far is it from here? ( It's about ten minutes' walk from here.) 17. 我们班有49个学生,期中男生有22个。

How many students are there in your class.? (There are 49 students in my class.) How many girl students? (There are 27 girl students in my class.) 18 我一般早上六点起床,早饭吃面包,喝牛奶。

What time do you get up? (I usually get up at 6 in the morning.) What do you have for breakfast?

(For breakfast, I usually eat some bread and drink some milk.) 19 我喜欢阅读,尤其是关于中国历史的书籍。

What's your hobby? (My hobby is reading.)

What kind of book do you prefer? (I prefer books on Chinese history.) 20 美国的首都是华盛顿,最大的城市是纽约。

Which city is the capital of China? (Washing D.C is the capital of America.) Which city is the biggest in America?(New York City .) 21 我最喜欢的季节是冬天,可以堆雪人

What's your favourite season? (My favourite season is winter.) What can you do in winter? (I can make a snowman.) 22 我的宠物狗很聪明,它认识回家的路。

How do you like your dog? (I think my dog is clever.)

Why do you think so ? (Because it can find its way back home.) 23 我经常饭后散步,它有利于健康。

What do you usually do after supper? (I usually go out for a walk after supper.) What benefits can it bring for you? (It's good for my health.) 24 我最喜欢的花是玫瑰,它代表了爱。

Which flower do you like best? (I like the rose best.) What does it stand for? (It stands for love.) 25你喜欢看电影,每个月看一次电影。

What hobby do you have? (I like watching movies.) How often do you go to the cinema? ( Once a month.) 26 昨天你去市中心逛街,你买了一本字典。 Where did you go shopping yesterday?

(I went shopping in the city center yesterday.)

What did you buy? (A dictionary.) 27 我最喜欢打篮球,经常在星期六打篮球。

What's your favourite sport? (My favourite sport is playing basketball.) When do you usually play it? (I usually play it on Saturdays.) 28 我家有一台电脑,通常用于学英语

Do you have a computer in your house? (Yes ,I do.)

What do you usually use your computer for? (I usually use it to learn English.) 29我喜欢学习生物,因为研究各种各样的动物很有趣。

Which subject do you like best? (I like biology best.) Why do you like it so much?

(Because it is very interesting to study all kinds of animals.) 30 我家有三口人,爸爸,妈妈,还有我。

How many people are there in your family?(There are three people in my family.) Who are they? (They are my Dad,Mum,and I.) 31我星期天去买花,送给英语老师。

What are you going to do on Sunday? (I'm going to buy some flowers.) Who will you buy them for? (I will buy them for my English teacher.) 32 我想去海南旅游,那里的海滩很美丽。

What 's your plan for holiday? (I want to travel to Hainan.) Can you tell me the reaso?

(Of course,I can. Because the beach there is very beautiful. ) 33. 这瓶牛奶变质了,我上周六买的。

-Whats wrong with this bottle of milk? (It has gone bad.)

-When did you buy it? (I bought it last Saturday.) 34. .轮到我打扫房间了,我要先去擦窗户。

-Whose turn is it to clean the room? (Its my turn.)

-What will you do first? (Ill clean the windows first.) 35. 我明天去图书馆借书,我想借一本有关电脑的杂志。 -What are you going to do tomorrow? (-Im going to borrow a book from the library.)

-Which kind of book do you want to borrow? (-I want to borrow a magazine about computer.)

36. 我在学校门口,我和Lucy 一块儿去放风筝。

-Where are you? (-Im at the school gate.)

-What are you going to do? (Im going to fly kites with Lucy.) 37. .我暑假将去香港旅游,要在那里呆一周。

-What are you going to do for summer holidays? ( -Im going to visit Hong Kong for summer holidays.)

-How long will you stay there? (-Ill stay there for a week.) 38. 我今天必须完成家庭作业,明天将要去北京旅游。 -Can you play basketball with me now? (-Sorry, but I have to finish my homework today.)

-Why cant you finish it tomorrow? (-Ill travel to Beijing tomorrow.) 39. 我昨天晚上看了《变形金刚》这部电影,觉得它很感人。

-When did you watch the movie Transformers ? (-I watched it yesterday evening.) -What do you think of the movie? (-Its really moving.) 40. 我在南京工作,坐飞机到北京需两个小时。

-Where do you work? ( -I work in Nanjing.)

-How far is it from Beijing? (-It takes two hours to fly to Beijing.) 41. 这台新电脑是Tom的,价格是8,000元。

-Who does this new computer belong to? (-It belongs to Tom.) -How much is it? ( -It costs 8,000 yuan.) 42. 我来自中国,中国有13亿人口。

-Where do you come from? (-Im from China.)

-Whats the population in China? (-China has a population of 1.3 billion.) 43. 我父亲是老师,他教书20年了。

-What does your father do? (-He is a school teacher.)

-How long has he been teaching? (-He has been teaching for 20 years.) 44. 我想买一双鞋,穿6码的。

-Can I help you? (-Yes, I want to buy a pair of shoes.) -Which size do you want? (-Im in Size 6.) 45. Tom身体不舒服,他感冒了。

-Why is Tom absent from class? (-He is not quite well.)

-Whats the matter with him? (-He has got a cold.) 46. 我在听天气预报,明天有雪。

-What are you doing now? (-Im listening to the weather report.) -How is the weather tomorrow? (-Its going to snow tomorrow.)



一、 Jim四岁时随父母一起搬到了阳光城,他对那里很了解。

1. When did Jim move to Sunshine Town with his parents? (At the age of 4.) 2. How did he know Sunshine Town? (Very well.)

二、 那只名叫“希望”的熊猫宝宝,出生时重约90克。 1. What was the baby panda called/ named? (Xi Wang.)

2. How much did it weigh when it was born/ at birth? (About ninety grams.)



1. Who was the host of the charity show? (Li Lei.) 2. Why was Li Lei so happy?

(Because many people donated money to Project Hope at the charity show.) 我最喜爱的颜色是暖色。暖色包括能带给你成功的橙色和象征智慧的黄


1. What are your favourite colors? (Warm colours.) 2. Why do you like warm colours best?

(Because they include yellow which can bring you success and its the colour of

wisdom.) Tom和他父母在迪斯尼乐园里拍了许多照片,打算回去后会给他的朋友


1. Where did Tom take many photos with his parents? (In Disneyland.)

2. What would he do with these photos? (He would show them to his friends.) 六、 9年级的学生Nancy每天看一个小时电视,她最喜欢看的电视节目是


1. How long does Nancy watch TV every day? (For an hour.) How much TV does Nancy watch every day? (An hour of TV.) 2. Which is her favourite TV programme? ( Animal World.)



1. When was Hepburn born? (In 1929.)

2. When was she chosen to play the lead role in Roman Holiday? (In 1953.) 、地震开始时王林正在图书馆里看一本名叫《飘》Gone With the Wind


1. Where was Wang Lin when the earthquake began? (In the library.)

2. What was she doing then?(She was reading a book called Gone With the Wind.) 、上周三,暴风雪袭击了南京,Lily是和Lucy一起坐公共汽车回家的。 1. When did the snowstorm hit Nanjing? (Last Wednesday.) 2. How did Lily and Lucy get home? (By bus./ On a bus.)



1. How did Daniel go to Xuanwu Lake Park with his friends last Saturday? (By underground./ On an underground.)

2. What did they do there? (They took many beautiful pictures/ photos.)


一、 丹尼尔是游泳俱乐部的一名成员。他每周游泳两次。 1. Which club is Daniel in? (The Swimming Club.) 2. How often does he go swimming? (Twice a week.)


1. When do you celebrate Halloween? (In October. / On October 31st.)

2. What do you often do to celebrate it? (We often play a trick on our friends.) 三、 机场已经投入使用五年了。政府正在努力保护周边的环境。 1. How long has the airport been in use/ service? (For 5 years.)

2.What is the government doing now? / Is the protecting the environment around the airport ?

(It is protecting the environment around the airport.) / (Yes, it is.)

四、 凯蒂买不起如此昂贵的一件连衣裙。最后她选择了价格低的一件。 1. Did Kitty afford to buy such an expensive dress? (No, she didnt.) 2. What did she do in the end? (She chose a cheaper one.)

五、 我的爷爷无法理解这句话的含义。他期待某个人能帮他解决这个问题。 1. Did your grandpa understand what this sentence meant? (No, he didnt.)

2. What did he do then? ( He expected someone to help him solve this problem.) 六、 格林家养了一只小狗。格林夫人每天晚饭后带它散步。 1. Does Mrs Green have a pet dog? (Yes, she does.)

2. When does she take it for a walk? (After supper/ dinner.)

七、 423日是汤姆的生日。他打算邀请他的同学参加他的生日晚会。 1. When is Toms birthday? (April the twenty-third.)

2. Who will he invite to his birthday party? (His classmates.)



1. How long has Simons penfriend Paul been in China? (For 5days.) 2. Why will he stay here for a few more days?

( Because he wants to learn about the culture of China./ To learn about the culture of China.)

九、 桑迪最近越来越胖,医生建议她改变生活习惯,少吃多锻炼。 1. Has Sandy become fatter and fatter recently? ( Yes, she has.)

2. What did the doctor advise her to do? ( To change her lifestyle, eat less and exercise more.)

十、 杰克每天花两小时练习演讲,他这样做是为了在演讲比赛中获胜。 1. How often does Jack practice ( making ) a speech? ( Two hours a day.)

How long does Jack practice ( making ) a speech every day? ( For 2 hours.) 2. Why does he do so?

(To win the speech competition./ Because he wants to win the speech competition.)

十一、.由于交通拥挤,他上周二迟到了。 When was he late? (Last Tuesday.)

Why was he late that day? (Because of the busy traffic.) 十二、他和他的家人决定去海南度假。

What did he decide to do? (He decided to spend a holiday with his family.) Where would he spend his holiday? (In Hainan.)

十三、王老师不确定明天是否会下雨,所以他待会儿会看电视了解天气。 Is Mr. Wang sure if itll rain tomorrow? (No.) How will Mr. Wang know the weather? (On TV.)

十四、妈妈建议Millie穿一条丝质连衣裙。这条裙子要300多元。 What did the mother advise Millie to do? (To wear a silk dress.) How much is the dress? (300 yuan.) 十五、他正在阅览室复习迎考。

Where is he now? (In the reading room.)

What is he doing in the reading room? (He is revising for the exam.) 十六、大卫喜欢玩电脑游戏,所以视力不好。

What does David like doing? (He likes playing computer games.) How is his eyesight? (Poor/Bad.)

十七、这个寒假,史密斯一家人打算去哈尔滨滑雪。 When are the Smiths going to Harbin? (This winter holiday.) What are they going to do in Harbin? (Go skiing.) 十八、昨晚,由于大雨发生了一起车祸。 What happened last night? (A car accident.)

Why did the car accident happen? (Because of the heavy rain.) 1.我表哥加入英语俱乐部差不多三年了,现在他说的英语不错。

How long has your cousin been in the English Club? (For almost three years.) Can he speak good English? (Yes, he can speak good English now.) 2.Linda的父亲昨天花了2000多元为她买了那款手机。

What did Lindas father buy her yesterday? (A mobile phone.)

How much did her father pay for the mobile phone? (More than 2,000 yuan.) 3.目前他们正忙于那个工程,工程将于六个月后完成。 What are they busy with now? (The project.)

How soon will they finish the project? (In six months.) 4我最好的朋友汤姆擅长打篮球,他长大后想周游世界。

What is your best friend Tom good at? (He is good at playing basketball.)

What does he want to do when he grows up? (He wants to travel around the .world.)

5.我的家乡有个美丽的公园,我经常看到很多孩子在里面放风筝。 .Is there a beautiful park in your hometown? (Yes, there is.)

What do you often see? (I often see many children fly kites there.) 6.莉莉来到中国5年了,她很喜欢住在上海。 How long has Lily been in China? (For 5 years.)

What does she think of Shanghai? (She likes living in Shanghai very much.) 7.你推荐了海伦为俱乐部的负责人,她总是积极参加俱乐部活动。

Who did you recommend to be the club leader? (I recommended Helen to be the club leader.)

Why do you recommend her? (Because she always takes an active part in club activities.)

8.你的卧室有一个阳台,你喜欢坐在那儿听音乐 Does your bedroom have a balcony? (Yes, it does.)

What do you like doing there? (I like sitting there and listening to music.)

9.上周的时装表演,约翰看起来像个绅士,他的衣服来自20世纪90年代。 When were John clothes from? (His clothes were from the 1990s.) How did John look like? (He looked like a gentleman.)

10.今天上午你在街上遇见大卫,你自从去年三月份以来就没有见过他。 When did you meet David? (This morning.)

How long havent you seen David? (Since last March.) 11.你将与汤姆一起去看篮球赛,票价10元。

Who will you go to watch the basketball match with? (With Tom.) How much is the ticket? (Ten yuan.)

12. 王先生去北京出差了,要三天后回来

Where has Mr. Wang gone? (Beijing.)

How soon will Mr. Wang come back? (In three days) 13.今天早上海伦错过了早班汽车而迟到。

Why was Helen late for school? (Because she missed the early bus.) When was Helen late for school? (This morning.) 14.昨天汤姆牙疼,医生叫他每天服三次药。

What was wrong with Tom yesterday? (He had got a toothache.)

What did the doctor tell him? (The doctor told him to take medicine three times a day.)


What’s on the fourth floor in your school? (There is a library.) How many books are there in it? (There are about five thousand.) 16.我家里妈妈做饭,我们一天吃三顿饭,有时候吃四顿。

How many meals do you have a day? (Three meals, but sometimes four.) Who does most of the cooking in your family? (My mother does.)

17.上星期天晚上莉莉在商店里买了一个发卡,她觉得这个发卡物美价廉。 When did Lily buy the hair clip? (She bought it last Sunday evening.) What did she think of it? (She thought it was good and cheap.) 18.她的机器人昨天感染了病毒,把她的盘子放在了洗衣机里。

What did her robot do yesterday? (It put her dishes into the washing machine.) Why did her robot put her dishes into the washing machine? (Because it caught a virus.)
