温柔的英语单词 推荐文章 2400英语单词 热度: 6级英语考试单词 热度: 8级英语词汇量_英语必备单词 热度: 八年级下册Uint3英语单词 热度: 疯狂的英语单词最新 热度: 温柔通常用来形容一个人的性格或行为温和柔顺,那么你知道温柔的英语单词是什么吗?下面店铺为大家带来温柔的英语单词和相关例句,欢迎大家一起学习。 gentle 英 [ˈdʒentl] 美 [ˈdʒɛntl] tender 英 [ˈtendə] 美 [ˈtɛndɚ] meek 英 [mi:k] 美 [mik] tender and gentle 温柔敦厚 tender looks 温柔的神情 tender and amiable 温柔可亲 他温柔而伤感的歌曲 His gentle, melancholic songs 他只是温柔地笑了笑,没说一句话。 He just smiled a gentle smile but said nothing. 他开始以那种少有的温柔安慰我。 He began to comfort me with such unaccustomed gentleness. 他的声音低沉而温柔,几乎可以说是性感。 His voice was deep but gentle, almost sensuous. 他实际上是个非常温柔的男生。 He was a very gentle boy at heart. 驯象有两种主要的方法,我们分别称之为强硬法和温柔法。 Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may respectively the tough and the gentle. 轻粉红色玫瑰:钦佩,同情,温柔,优雅,高兴,快乐,友谊和甜度。 Light pink roses: admiration, sympathy, gentleness, grace, gladness, joy, friendship and sweetness. 我是昔日圣诞鬼魂,幽灵用柔弱、温柔的声音回答说。 ' I am the ghost of Christmas Past,' replied the spirit, in a soft, gentle voice. 梅格是艾美的知己和监护人,也许是一种性格上的异性相吸吧,乔和温柔的贝思又是一对。 Meg was Amy's confidant and monitor, and by some strange attraction of opposites Jo was gentle Beth's. 与我温柔、充满希冀的心血来潮不同,她开始迫切地、频繁地需求性爱,甚至在一些我从来不敢尝试的场所也如此。 Unlike my meek, hopeful forays, she began to demand it, urgently and often and in places I never dared. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/72fd44dbb90d4a7302768e9951e79b896802686f.html