风 云 诗句 1. 春风吹暖万物苏,云卷云舒见天初。 2. 风起云涌天地间,一身豪气任飘荡。 3. 九天风云犹可追,扬帆踏浪作红尘。 4. 山高云淡风轻柔,落英飘零映斜晖。 5. 风吹云散彩霞红,诗韵悠扬心自舒。 6. 云卷云舒风起时,真性情浮云无痕。 7. 风起云涌遮天蔽,烟消云散日方明。 8. 云淡风轻纳凉意,悠然自得心境宽。 Note: These are just a few examples of poetic expressions involving "风" (fēng, wind) and "云" (yún, cloud). There are many more possibilities, as poetry leaves plenty of room for personal interpretation and creativity. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/730fb347084c2e3f5727a5e9856a561252d321d0.html