可见一斑的意思是什么 可见一斑的意思: 比喻见到事物的一小部分也能推知事物的整体。 语出南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·方正》:“此郎亦管中窥豹,时见一斑。” 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》:“诸如此类,虽未得其皮毛,也略见一斑了。”季羡林《怀念母亲》“从这几段中,也可见一斑了。” 【出自】:南朝·宋·刘义庆《世说新语·方正》:“此郎亦管中窥豹,时见一斑。” 【示例】:以酗酒狎妓之微嫌,遂没其困苦艰难之功业,清朝之赏罚不均,~。 ◎《清朝野史大观》 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;指可以看到事物的一部分 中英例句 随之而来的市场份额争夺战从携程网不断下滑的利润可见一斑。 The ensuing fight for market share is reflected in ctrip's declining profitability. 投资者信心的逐渐丧失从共同基金的投资模式上就可见一斑。 The gradual dissipation of investor confidence can be seen in mutual-fund investing patterns. 一方面,facebook的用户在全球不断发展壮大,另一方面在中国市场上几乎找不到它的影子,这二者之间的强烈对比从一张地图上就可见一斑。 The contrast between facebook's spreading global network of users and its effective absence from china is starkly illustrated by a map, produced by a facebook intern and flagged on the economist's website earlier this month, that has lately become a point of fascination of the chinese internet. 即使这么长的清单也没有列全,其雄心可见一斑。 Even this lengthy list is not exhaustive. The ambition is clearly remarkable. 这种觉醒在中东起义中可见一斑,不过它远远不限于阿拉伯世界。 We have caught a glimpse of the awakening in the uprisings in the middle east but it reaches well beyond the arab world. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/73feafef0ba1284ac850ad02de80d4d8d15a0100.html