[英语作文]法布尔的《昆虫记》英语读后感 法布尔的《昆虫记》英语读后感 Recently, I read a book called the insect. The author of this book is faber, a famous entomologist in France. This book is about the rich and colorful insect world. The habits of various insects, the method of making nests, the time, place, method, and the process of hunting. After reading this book, I learned a lot about insects! How the praying mantis lays its eggs, the mother mantis even has the habit of eating her husband. The caterpillar is a clumsy line of worms. The cicadas went through four years of hard work in the underground, and they were given the freedom to sing in summer. Lady beetle eats aphids like a ruthless killer, but it also has a gentle virtuous, can guarantee the child won't hungry belly, don't kill each other in order to compete for food. I like the book "the insect" very much, and I admire faber's spirit of not being afraid to observe insects in cold and hot weather. I will also study him in the future. The book tells the story of the colorful insect life, which brings us to the wonderful insect world. The detailed descriptions in the book are vivid, concrete and engaging. Children by reading the insects to record "and understanding of the writer method Boolean, know didn't know a lot of knowledge, oneself also keep reading every day, formed the good habit. 最近,我读了一本书,叫《昆虫记》。这本书的作者是法国的著名昆虫学家法布尔。 这本书讲述了丰富多彩的昆虫世界。讲了各种各样的昆虫的习性,制作巢的方法、产卵的时间、地点、方法和捕食的过程。 读了这本书后,我学到了好多有关昆虫的知识!如:螳螂是怎样产卵的,母螳螂甚至还有吃自己丈夫的习惯;松毛虫是笨笨的列队虫,它们排着队兜圈子,真有意思;蝉在地下经历了四年艰苦的“矿工”生活,换来了它夏天的自由歌唱;七星瓢虫吃起蚜虫来像个无情的`杀手,可它也有温柔贤淑的一面,能保证出生的孩子不会饿肚子,不会为了争夺食物而自相残杀。 我非常喜欢《昆虫记》这本书,非常佩服法布尔不怕困难的精神,不论严寒酷暑去观察昆虫。我以后也要学习他做事情坚持不懈的精神。 《昆虫记》这本书讲述了丰富多彩的昆虫生活故事,让我们融入了美妙的昆虫世界。书中的细致描写生动、具体、引人入胜。孩子通过阅读《昆虫记》和对作家法布尔的了解,知道了以前不知道的好多知识,自己也坚持每天阅读,养成了好习惯。 The insects to record "is written by the French famous writer method Boolean, his whole life love observing insects, even, in the book mainly introduces the insects living habits, such as the firefly, hornets, bees, butterflies, crickets, cicadas, etc. There are also insects that I have never heard of, such as the black belly tarantula in Italy, the tube worm of love, the head of Spain, the lovely stone silkworm, the fiery red ant. The introduction of these insects in the book makes it easy to understand the features of these insects. Mr Faber describes it as a miser. Dressed in a tuxedo that appeared to be missing the fabric, the beetle made a selfless contribution to its descendants, breaking hearts for her children. The little sparrow, which is bitten by a poisonous spider, also eats happily and, if fed slowly, even cries like a baby. I put in red ants on my way home the colorful stones and a few leaves, red ants walks around like a headless fly, this shows that red ants are not like bees will recognize the way home, they are in a home. So, even if they go on a long journey, they need a few days to go home, and they go home as long as they don't change. A few ugly and clumsy larvae to climb out of a seam on the river water, it is early spring bug they climb climb up the street binhe transformation capsule in the body skin, become wings, small body, the symmetry of insects, they are neither fly, nor are they butterfly winter jasmine worm. What a lovely little insect! What a vivid, interesting language! How cute these little insects are in faber's pen. I couldn't help but admire the writer for his knowledge of insects. He opened a pathway to the world of small insects, a new, magical world, and that's what inspired me to learn about the insects. So in my life, I also look at small insects and identify them based on the descriptions in the book. The book of bugs is a book that appeals to any child. 《昆虫记》是由法国著名的作家法布尔写的,他的一生酷爱观察昆虫,甚至到了痴迷的程度,书里面主要介绍了昆虫的生活习惯,比如萤火虫,黄蜂,蜜蜂,蝴蝶,蟋蟀,蝉等。也有我闻所未闻的昆虫,例如意大利的黑肚狼蛛,爱美的被管虫,西班牙的犀头,可爱的石蚕,火红的红蚂蚁。 书中把这些昆虫介绍得活灵活现,让人很容易了解到这些昆虫的外貌特点。法布尔描述道:杨柳天牛像个吝啬鬼。身穿一件似乎缺了布料的燕尾服,小甲虫为它的后代作出了 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/761e2f4e26c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8b8f6ecda.html