分类: 作文 > Notice
1、Notice_公告高中英语作文200字 Notice_公告高中英语作文200字 Students who are interested in the exchange activity can sign up for it at the office of the Students Union. The exchange activity only has twelve places to sign up. It will leave on the 8th,March 2017 and last for six months. You ought to achieve some conditions hereunder: First, you are interested in the activity and follow your heart. Second, you ought to be good at english so that you communicate with other people smoothly, and you would not feel embarrassed at that time. Third, you have to have good social skills that can make you go into a strange environment in a short time. Fourth, it is important that your parents agree with your thought. The exchange activity can raise your guts and open your eyes to know more about other schools. It can also improve your vocabularies and get some skills of communicating with people so that to widen relationship scope. Actually it is a really good chance to exercise yourself and also a special experience in your life can be recalled. 版权作品,未经《第一文档网》书面授权,严禁转载,违者将被追究法律责任。2、Notice about the flea market_关于跳蚤市场的通知英语作文100字 Notice about the flea market_关于跳蚤市场的通知英语作文100字 We will have a flea market.This activity will be hold from 2p.m to 4p.m on July 4th,at schools playground.Its necessary to tell you that get the money from this activity will be given away to children in poor areas. Then there are some requires:First,you need to make sure all kinds of the thing which will be sold.Besides,all the second-hand goods should be taken good care of before you bring them here. If you want to join us,please register before this Thurseday.We hope everyone can join the activity.Dont miss the opportunity. 版权作品,未经《第一文档网》书面授权,严禁转载,违者将被追究法律责任
新!幼儿园优秀获奖教育随笔《区域活动的所思所想》 01-01