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不论尝试做一件事情的结果怎么样,我们都曾经努力过。下面是店铺给大家整理了表达结果的英语短语,供大家参阅! 表示结果的英语短语表达

表示“因为”: for as since because in that because of ; owing to ; on account of ; as a result of 表示“结果” as a result finally at last in the end end up with as a consequence of 表示结果的英语短语词组



The phone rang, interrupting the flow of his thoughts. 电话响了,打断了他的思绪。

The child fell, striking his head against the door and cutting it. 那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上磕破了。

Both machines crashed near Hatfield, killing their crews. 两架


She was so angry that she threw her new doll on the floor breaking it into pieces. 她大怒,把她新买的娃娃扔在地上,摔得粉碎。

二、用副词表示结果 1. therefore

It rained; therefore the game was called off. 由于下雨,因而那场球赛取消了。

Therefore, we must advocate the forming of workshop committees. 因此我们倡导组织车间委员会。

2. thus

He studied hard, thus he got high marks. 他学习努力,因此得了高分。

He sold his farm and thus he had enough money for his journey. 他卖掉了农场,这样他就有足够的钱旅行了。



It rained and rained, vehicles bogged and bridges washed out. 雨不停地下,车辆陷入泥沼,桥梁被水冲垮。

四、由并列连词表示结果 1. and

He fell heavily and broke his arm. 他摔得很重,手臂都摔断了。 Arrive late once more and you’re fired. 你再迟到一次,你就会被开除。

2. so

The door was locked, so we couldn’t get in. 门上锁了,所以我们进不去。

It was dark, so I couldn’t see what was happening. 天很黑,所以我看不见发生了什么事。
