孔丘 (前551年9月28日~前479年4月11日),字仲尼。排行老二, 汉族人,春秋时期鲁国人。孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创始人,世界最著名的文化名人之一。编撰了我国第一部编年体史书《春秋》。据有关记载,孔子出生于鲁国陬邑昌平乡(今山东省曲阜市东南的南辛镇鲁源村);孔子逝世时,享年73岁,葬于曲阜城北泗水之上,即今日孔林所在地。孔子的言行思想主要载于语录体散文集《论语》及先秦和秦汉保存下的《史记·孔子世家》。 德治主张 同孔子的仁说和礼说相联系,在治国的方略上,他主张“为政以德”,用道德和礼教来治理国家是最高尚的治国之道。这种治国方略也叫“德治”或“礼治”。这种方略把德、礼施之于民,实际上已打破了传统的礼不下庶人的信条,打破了贵族和庶民间原有的一条重要界限。 孔子的仁说,体现了人道精神,孔子的礼说,则体现了礼制精神,即现代意义上的秩序和制度。人道主义这是人类永恒的主题,对于任何社会,任何时代,任何一个政府都是适用的,而秩序和制度社会则是建立人类文明社会的基本要求。孔子的这种人道主义和秩序精神是中国古代社会政治思想的精华。 Confucius (fes before September 28 ~ 479 years before April 11), ZhongNi words. Second, the han people, the spring and autumn period LuGuoRen. Confucius is a great thinker and educator, founder of the Confucian school, one of the most famous cultural celebrities. The first book was compiled by the spring and autumn annals of how two young boys. According to relevant records, Confucius is born in changping township (city state of south shandong ocres today southeast LuYuan village); Michael town, Confucius died at the age of 73 years, when the entire body, namely above surabaya qufu konglin was suggested today. Confucius' thought and main body of sayings in the analects of Confucius and collection of qin and qin chuzi under the preservation, Confucius family ". Rule The kernel and ritual with Confucius said, in the general rule, he advocated governing with ", "with morality and Confucianism to govern the country is the most noble governing way. The general rule is that "virtue" or "government". This strategy, the ritual in people, in fact, have broken the traditional ritual no creed, broke the noble and ordinary folk original an important boundary. Confucius said, benevolence, embodies the spirit of humanism, Confucius said, embodies the spirit of etiquette, namely the modern sense of order and system. This is the humanitarian human eternal theme, for any society, any age, any government is suitable, and social order and system is established the basic requirements of the civilization of human society. Confucius's humanitarian and order the spirit of Chinese ancient political thought is of the essence 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/77cbff94dd3383c4bb4cd2e1.html