梁祝 梁山伯与祝英台传说是我国四大民间传说之一,是中华文化的瑰宝。千百年来,它以提倡求知、崇尚爱情、歌颂生命生生不息的鲜明主题深深打动着人们的心灵,以曲折动人的情节、鲜明的人物性格、奇巧的故事结构而受到民众的广泛喜爱。梁祝传说和以梁祝传说为内容的其他艺术形式所展现的艺术魅力,使其成为中国民间文学艺术之林中的一朵奇葩。 梁祝传说自1600年前的晋代形成以来,主要流传于宁波、上虞、杭州、宜兴、济宁、汝南等地,并向中国的各个地区、各个民族流传辐射。在流传的过程中,各地人民又不断丰富发展传说的内容,甚至还兴建了众多以梁祝传说为主题的墓碑和庙宇等建筑。此外,梁祝传说还流传到朝鲜、越南、缅甸、日本、新加坡和印度尼西亚等国家,其影响之大在中国民间传说中实属罕见。 据梁祝传说改编的越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》、小提琴协奏曲《梁祝》、电影《梁山伯与祝英台》等各种文学艺术作品,以及由此而形成的求学、婚恋的独特风尚,构成了庞大的梁祝文化系统。 同其他口头文学和非物质文化遗产一样,近20年来,由于受现代化和城市化的影响,以口头传承为主的梁祝传说受到了前所未有的冲击。原有的口头传承人相继去世,年轻一代不愿接续,传承面临着断代的危险,急需抢救和采取相应的保护措施,使这一优秀的文化传统得以绵延。 The Butterfly Lovers of Liang-Zhu Legend Hello, everyone. I am you tour guide. It is a great pleasure to provide tour guide service. I am going to show you The Legend of Liangzhu. The romance of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, the butterfly lovers, looms as one of the four major legends of China and one precious masterwork of Chinese culture. For thousands of years, it has remained enduringly impressive among people for the exploration of knowledge, pursuit of love, and tribute to life. The thrilling plot, remarkable characters, and ingenuity of structure are well received by the masses. Ever since it took shape in the Jin Dynasty 1,600 years ago, the Legend of Butterfly Lovers spreading further to other areas and ethnic groups of the country. Through the ages, the content has got enriched by people in various regions with even many tombstones engraved and temples built for the butterfly lovers. In addition, 1 the legend has spread to Japan, Singapore and Indonesia. The widespread influence is hardly seen among the Chinese folktales indeed. Just like other dictation literature and intangible heritage, over the past 20 years, the dictation-based Legend of Butterfly Lovers has undergone unprecedented impact due to modernization and urbanization factors. The original story-tellers passed away one by one yet the younger generation is reluctant to pass it on, so it is faced with the crisis of survival. Urgent preservation and salvation is being called for so that the fine cultural tradition can be handed down to the upcoming generations. 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/78bf6780814d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7ab008226.html