[初一英语作文自我介绍]初一英语自我介绍多篇 初一英语自我介绍篇(1):英语自我介绍作文 Self Introduce(自我介绍) Hello, everyone! My name is Jed, I’m 9 years old I’m from Zhongxin ShiYanXiao. I’m in Grade 3. I’m a kind-hearted, honest and brave sunshine boy. I love writing, and has written the diary of __ words. My first pot of gold is author’s remuneration of fifty five yuan. Now I am a member of Youth Writers Association of Jilin province, often publish articles, was selected in the diary hall of fame of "happy diary magazines” and became the cover star. I love sports. My favourite sport is bike riding, once a time I rode from home to school, for 10 kilometers! My weakness: is sometimes good at solving difficult problems, but always misdone those simple ones! I believe that: " as long as having a dream there will have a road; As long as having sweat, there will be a success!" If you know me, I will bring you confidence; If I understand you, I can bring you happiness! Thanks! 初一英语自我介绍篇(2):自我介绍作文500字 这就是我 自我介绍作文500字 这就是我 我,长着乌黑发亮的眼睛,像一颗黑珍珠;我有着微微粗糙的头发,像一挂瀑布;我,长着高高的鼻子,像一面风帆,鼻子上架着一副厚厚的眼镜 。我有许多有趣的外号:小蝌蚪,孙悟空。 可能是因为我生在处女座的缘故,因此我十分爱干净,就像有洁癖,桌上不能乱,东西要分类。记得有一次,爸爸妈妈请阿姨吃晚饭,我吃到一半时发现我的盘子上面已经有了食物残渣我不发现不要紧但是我一发现便再也忍不住了,端起盘子便向垃圾桶走去,"哗啦"一下全部给倒了,回到座位后我看了看盘子还是不满意,因为上面还有酱汁,于是我又拿来餐巾纸,把它擦得一干二净,闪闪发光。在一旁的妈妈看见了说:“你在干嘛?盘子不是会有服务员来换吗?我回答道:“太脏了,实在看不下去了,等服务员来,我都要急死了。”老妈听话一副拿我没办法的表情。后来我又发现桌上有很多空盘,于是我二话不说伸手便把它们拿去了服务桌上,老妈看到后说我像个服务员 。 不仅在外面,在家里我也有洁癖,比如,在家里,我总是把衣服叠得整整齐齐,当季的衣服放一个衣柜‘,别季的衣服放一个衣柜。衣服归衣服,裤子归裤子,袜子归袜子绝不能乱放,不然我会很不爽,一整天心情都不好,除非把它整理得干干净净才会满意。 这就是我,一个爱干净有洁癖的我。我还喜欢游泳,羽毛球,跳绳,平衡车。我不仅是热爱运动的女孩,而且是个爱吃的女孩,下次再向你说我的吃货案件吧! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/798aff016ddb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c64d9a.html