闪闪发光的意思是什么 闪闪发光的意思: 形容一些东西很漂亮很闪亮,光亮忽明忽暗,光彩耀眼,因反射阳光而像在发出光芒一样. 如:这条珠链在阳光下闪闪发光. 金色鱼鳞在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光. 闪闪发光的水晶球 英文解释 sparkle;glitter;scintillating;dazzle with brilliance;glint ; 中英例句 象他的一样闪闪发光唔! And they sparkle just like his. Mm! 现在左边正闪闪发光.这就是原因. Now what's left is the glow. That's how you can tell. 那件闪闪发光的衬衫是我的! That shiny shirt, that's mine. 闪闪发光的是什么?太阳耀斑? What's the shiny thing? Is that a solar flare? 当我还看的见的时候,所有的漂亮女孩都闪闪发光. When I could see, all pretty girls had a glow. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/79a3d061a16925c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8ed69.html