1 正确断奶的方法和注意事项 正确断奶的方法,你知道吗?如果断奶的方法错误,对宝宝和妈妈都是有伤害的哦。 一、正确断奶的方法 1、循序渐进,自然过渡。断奶的时间和方式取决于很多因素,每个妈妈和宝宝对断奶的感受各不相同,选择的方式也因人而异。如果你已经作好了充分的准备, 你和宝宝也都可以适应,断奶的时机便已成熟,你可以很快给宝宝断掉母乳。特别是加上客观因素,如果妈妈一定要出差一段时间,那么很可能几天就完全断奶了。 如果妈妈上班后不再吸奶,那么白天的奶也很快就会断掉。 2、减少对妈妈的依赖。断奶前,要有意识地减少妈妈与宝宝相处的时间,可以增加爸爸照料宝宝的时间,给宝宝一个心理上的适应过程。让宝宝明白爸爸一样会照顾他,逐渐减少对妈妈的依赖心理。这个时候就要充分发挥爸爸的作用,来帮助宝宝渡过“断奶期”。 3、培养宝宝良好的行为习惯。在断奶前后,妈妈适当多抱一抱宝宝,多给他一些爱抚是必要的,但是对于宝宝的无理要求,却不要轻易迁就,不能因为断奶的歉疚而养成了宝宝的坏习惯。 4、少吃母乳,多吃牛奶。开始断奶时,可以每天都给宝宝喝一些配方奶,也可以喝新鲜的全脂牛奶。尽量多鼓励宝宝多喝牛奶,但只要他想吃母乳,妈妈不该拒绝他。妈妈也可以为宝宝做一些辅食的准备。 5、断掉临睡前的喂奶和夜奶。大多数的宝宝都有半夜里吃奶和晚上睡觉前吃奶的习惯。最难断掉的,恐怕就是临睡前和半夜里的喂奶了,可以先断掉夜奶,再断临睡前的奶,这时候需要爸爸或家人的积极配合。刚开始宝宝可能会闹腾几天,但只要坚持下来就会得到好转的。 另外,在断奶期间妈妈依然要让宝宝学习用杯子喝水和饮果汁,学习自己用小勺吃东西,锻炼宝宝生活自理的能力。 在实行正确断奶的方法时要注意什么呢? 二、断奶的注意事项 1、选择宝宝身体状况良好时断奶,生病时不宜断奶。 2、最好选择气候宜人的季节断奶,比如春秋冬三季,夏季不宜断奶。 3、如果白天已经断奶,但夜间宝宝还频繁地要吃奶、睡眠不安,可以喂点水或少量配方奶粉。必要时,尝试由别人带宝宝睡。但白天时妈妈要与宝宝保持亲密关系,多拥抱亲吻宝宝,关注宝宝,以满足他的心理需求。 1 2 4、断奶后仍然要喝配方奶粉,每天500毫升左右,同时按月龄添加适当的食物。 The right way to weaning, you know? If weaned method error, to the baby and mom are hurt. A, the right way to weaning 1, step by step, natural transition. Weaning time and way depends on a number of factors, each of the mother and baby feel about www.cdsycg.com weaning each are not identical, choose the way also vary from person to person. If you have already prepared well prepared, you and your baby can also accommodate, weaning time is ripe, you can quickly broken breast milk for baby. And objective factors, in particular, if the mother must be on a business trip for a period of time, it is likely a few days was completely weaned. If mom after work no longer pumping, the milk also will soon break during the day. 2, reduce dependence on mom. Before weaning, to consciously reduce the time of the mother and child to get along with, can increase the father to take care of the baby time, give the baby a psychological adaptation. Let the baby understand father will take care of him, gradually reduce the dependence on mom. This time will give full play to the role of the father, to help the baby through the "weaning period". 3, train baby good behavior habits. Before www.jnhshr.com and after weaning, mother holding a baby, more appropriate to give him more love is necessary, but for the baby's unreasonable demands, but don't compromise easily, not because of the guilt of weaning baby's bad habit. 4, eat less milk, eat more milk. Started weaning, can drink some formula for your baby every day, can drink fresh whole milk. As much as possible to encourage the baby drink milk, but as long as he would like to eat milk, mother shouldn't refuse him. Mother also can do some assist food for babies. 5, breaking of nursing and night milk before bed. Most babies have in the middle of the night to eat milk and the habit of eating milk before you go to sleep at night. Hardest to break, I'm afraid is nursing before bed and in the middle of the night, can be broken first night milk, milk before bed, again need to actively cooperate with dad and family at this moment. At first the baby may be going for a few days, but as long as the stick will get better. In addition, during weaning mom still want to let the baby learn from cups and drink juice, learning with a small spoon to eat, train baby life self-care ability. In the right way to weaning should pay attention to what? Second, the weaned considerations 1, weaning when choosing a baby's body in good shape, when they are ill should not be weaned. 2, had better choose pleasant climate season of weaning, such as the spring and autumn winter season, three summer unfavorable weaning. 2 3 3, if the day has been weaned, but at night the baby milk also frequently to eat, sleep, can feed water or a small amount of formula. When necessary, the attempt by someone else take the baby to sleep. But during the day when the mother to keep close relationship with the baby, embraced and kissed the baby, baby, to meet his psychological needs. 4, still want to drink milk formula after weaning, every 500 ml, add proper food at the same time in months. 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7a1a3e28e87101f69e31958a.html