一. 地名简写 K=Korea, SD= Sweden, SW=Switzerland等等。有时还可以借助“|-”来表示东、西、南、北、中等方位。例如:the Republic of Korea(ROK,南朝鲜),表示为“-K”; 相应的the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK,北朝鲜), 就可以表示为“K-”, Central London,表示为LD。Western Europe(西欧)表示为“|EU”,Eastern Germany (东德)表示为“G|”。 Let’s practice: Eastern Europe, South Africa, North China, Western Germany, South Asia,Central Ital 英语听力常用英语缩略词表(缩略词/原词) CNF Conference CMI Commission CMP Complete CONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND Condition CO. Company DEPT Department DISC Discount DPT Departure EXCH Exchange EXPLN Explain EXT Extent FLT Flight FNT Final FRT Freight FYR For your reference GD Good GUAR Guarantee H.O. Home office INFO Information IMPS Impossible IMP(T) Important INCD Include INDIV Individual MANUF Manufacture MDL Model MEMO Memorandum MGR Manger MIN Minimum MKT Market MSG Message NCRY Necessary NLT No later than OBS Observe OBT Obtain ORD Ordinary PAT Patent PC Piece PKG Packing PL People PLS Please POSN Position POSS(BL) Possible PROD Product QLTY Quality QUTY Quantity RCV Receive REF Reference REGL Regular REP Representative RESN Reservation RPT Repeat RESPON Responsible SEC Section SITN Situation STD Standard TEL Telephone TEMP Temporary TGM Telegraph THO Though TKS Thanks TRD Trade TRF Traffic TTL Total U You UR Your WK Week WL Will WT Weight XL Extra large 二、 字母、图像 Z : people/person,e.g. Japanese people ---- JZ C :government,e.g. governmental official ---- CZ P :politics, e.g. politician ---- PZ E :total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, etc. G :efficient, effective Q :inflation A : agriculture. agriculture B :business。 C× :conflict, confrontation W : work, employ e.g. Worker ---- WZ i : industry, industria U U : treaty, agreement O:country, state, nation, etc. gO---- 进口,Og---- 出口 T:leader, head head of government, head of company ---- CT ⊙:meeting,conference, negotiation,seminar,discussion,symposium k : words related to fishery O: international, worldwide, global, universal, etc. J:pleasant, joyful,happy,excited, etc. L: unsatisfied, discomfort, angry, sad, etc. EO:as we all know, as is known to all, as you have already heard of, etc. O:indifferent, apathetic, unconcern, don't care much, etc 四、 数学符号 + : many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc. ++(+2) :more +3 :most - : little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc. × :wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc. > :bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, superior to,surpass, etc. < :less/smaller,inferior to,etc. = :means,that is to say, in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc. ( ) :among, within, etc. ≠ :be different from, etc. ~ :about/around,or so, approximately, etc. / :cross out, eliminate, etc. 五、 标点等 : :say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc. ? :question,issue,e.g. 台湾问题:tw? . (dot) ".d"---- yesterday ".y"---- last year, ".2m” ---- two month ago "y"---- this year "y2." ---- two year later” "wk."---- next week ∧ : but, however, yet, etc. √ : right/good, famous/well-known, stand up for, support, agree with sb, certain/ affirmative, etc. ☆:important,exemplary, best,outstanding,brilliant,etc. n :exchange,mutual, etc. & :and,together with,along with, accompany,along with,further more,etc. ∥:end,stop,halt,bring sth to a standstill/stop, etc. 六、 较长单词的处理办法 -ism ---- m e.g. socialism ---- Sm -tion ---- n e.g. standardization---- stdn -cian ---- o e.g. technician ---- techo -ing ---- g e.g. marketing ---- MKTg 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7acb372a6beae009581b6bd97f1922791788be64.html