
时间:2022-04-06 09:33:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一你们复活节放几天假? BUsually we have a month off. 通常放一个月。

AWhat will you do for this Easter? 这个复活节你准备怎样过?

BI'll stay at home and have a complete rest. 呆在家里好好休息一下。

二新年愿望 New Year's resolution

AIt's almost midnight! We are about to start a brand new year! 现在已经是午夜了!我正准备迎接新年的到来!

BI know it's so exciting! A new year is always like a clean slate. Fresh start to accomplish any dreams, objectives and goals.


ADo you have a New Year's resolution? 你有新年愿望吗?

BI was thinking about it, but I'm never able to keep my New Year's resolution. Last year for example I joined a gym and only went twice.


AYeah I know what you mean. That's why this year I am keeping things more simple. Maybe like getting together with friends I haven't seen in a long time, or doing some volunteering work.


BThat seems reasonable. We should get together and watch the ball drop in Times Square.

听起来很合理。我们应该聚在一起在时代广场看投球。 ASure, as long as you don't try to kiss me at midnight! 这样很好,只要你不要在午夜试着亲我就好了! BWell, we can't break tradition! It's bad luck! 嗯,我们不能打破常规!这样会倒霉的! 三欢度圣诞节

ADad, dad, dad! Wake up! It's Christmas! 爸爸,爸爸,爸爸!快起来。今天是圣诞节!

BTimmy. It's too early for this. Look, it's six in the morning! Go back to bed!


ANo way! Santa already came and left all our presents! Can we go open them? Please! Please!

没门! 圣诞老人已经来过了,并给我们留下了礼物。我们现在能打开礼物吗?求求你了。

BOf course, we can, honey. Bill, come on, get dressed. 当然可以,亲爱的。比尔,过来,穿上衣服。 AFine! Not like Santa brought me any gifts! 好吧。好像圣诞老人并没有给我礼物。

BBill! Honestly, you can be such a grouch sometimes. 比尔!老实说,你有时候很爱发牢骚。

ALook at all these presents under the Christmas tree! Awesome! 看看圣诞树下的这些礼物。太棒了!

BAlright, Timmy, knock yourself out. We should get ready and head to the market to buy everything for the Christmas dinner tonight.


AYeah, you're right. It's the first time we are hosting Christmas dinner at our house so everything has to be perfect.

说得对。这时我们第一次在自己家里举办圣诞聚餐,所以万事都应当妥当。 BI got the list right here. Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, ingredients for the gravy and of course, yams!

我写了购物单。火腿,火鸡,土豆泥,肉汁的配料,当然还有土豆。 AMy dad offered to bring the eggnog so we should be set! 我爸爸会带来些蛋奶酒,那样我们一切都准备好了。

