
时间:2022-07-14 01:20:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

学号:20123296200065 姓名:常艺班级:计算机科学与技术3

Smart Shop Assistant Using Semantic Technologies toImprove

Online Shopping


Internet commerce experiences a rising complexity: Not only more and more products become available online but also the amount of information available on a single product has been constantly increasing. Thanks to the Web 2.0 development it is, in the meantime, quite common to involve customers in the creation of product description and extraction of additional product information by offering customers feedback forms and product review sites, users’ weblogs and other social web services. To face this situation, one of the main tasks in a future internet will be to aggregate, sort and evaluate this huge amount of information to aid the customers in choosing the “perfect” product for their needs. Semantic and Web 2.0 technologies support and facilitate the integration of heterogeneous data sources, exploitation of customer feedback, and utilization of available ontologies and vocabularies, which, in turn, allow vendors to enrich existing product information, improve the user’s navigation in online catalogues and enhance customers’ satisfaction. In this paper we elaborate some results of Aletheia a German leading innovation project for semantic federation of product information focusing on the usefulness of semantic technologies for B2C online commerce.

Keywords: smart shop assistant, semantics, customer feedback. 1. Introduction

In the future internet, which is definitely connected with the further advancement of Web 2.0 and semantic technologies, the customers’ influence not only on product description but also on the entire product lifecycle is constantly increasing. Recommender systems and independent product information sites like blogs and wikis are aggregating copious amount of data which simply cannot be disregarded when offering products in an online shop. Customers will increasingly claim to have all relevant product information at their fingertips without going through long search procedures and comparing hundreds of differently product web sites.

In the light of such a development even big traditional and old-fashioned vendors will be forced (some of them have already been forced) to set up online shops based on modern web


technologies in order to keep their competitive ability. Unfortunately, in current internet product information is still scattered across the World Wide Web, on manufacturer pages, in product reviews, common product web sites and in various online shops. Furthermore, current systems for managing product information and/or product lifecycle focus on the development, production, and distribution phases neglecting the preceding customer demand analysis and product portfolio management phases, as well as the subsequent operations, and maintenance phases. Since the available information having different reliability, varied trust ability and various level of structure is more and more distributed across data sources all over the web and comprehensive product-related data and information accumulate in all areas of the product lifecycle, the requirements for the management of product information are undergoing a radical change.

To face these issues and contribute to the future internet development the GermanFederal Ministry of Education and Research founds a research project Aletheia1 thataims at getting obtaining comprehensive access to product information by through theuse of semantic technologies. In this paper we present results of aAletheia-subprojectin which we utilize semantic andWeb 2.0 technologies to offer a “modern” online shopconnected with a new shopping experience by gathering and aggregating available informationincluding user activities and providing intelligent assistance for the customer.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a brief overview ofthe Aletheia project together with the introduction of the prominent project consortium.Section 3 concentrates on the particular subproject within Aletheia the Smart ShopAssistant and describes the market position of our industrial partner, the main scenariotogether with the main system requirements, goals and use cases. In Section 4we concentrate on our prototypical implementation of a semantically enhanced onlineshopping site going through the main user interfaces: semantic search and assistant andfurther technical aspects like semantic tagging. We summarize the results achieved inour subproject with a brief conclusion and aspects for the future work in Section 5.



网上购买,而且可以获取的单个产品的信息量也在不断增多。这归功于Web 2.0


的发展,以及通过提供客户反馈表单和产品评评价地点、用户博客和其它社交网络服务以创造产品说明和其他产品信息的大众客户。面对这种情况,未来互联网的主要任务之一将是汇总,排序和评估这海量的信息,以帮助顾客选择他们需要"完美"的产品。语义和Web 2.0技术支持和促进了不同数据源集成,客户意见反馈的开发,利用可用的本体与词汇,这些,反过来,使供应商能够丰富现有的产品信息,改善用户在在线目录中的导航和提高客户的满意度。 1、简介

未来的互联网明确的与Web 2.0和语义技术的进一步发展有关联,客户受产



为了面对这些问题和促进未来互联网的发展,德国联邦教育和研究部创立了一个研究项目“阿莱西娅”,旨在通过使用语义技术获得全面的产品信息。在本文中,通过一个我们利用语义技术和 Web 2.0 技术来展现一个与通过收集和聚合包括用户的活动和为顾客提供智能化的援助的可用的信息的新购物体验相关"现代"的网上商店,呈现“阿莱西娅”子项目的结论。

