
时间:2022-09-02 04:04:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


新年迈着轻轻的脚步悄悄的'来到,不知不觉当中它便悄悄的来临了,本文为大家了关于贺新年英语手抄报,仅供参考! 贺新年英语手抄报1 贺新年英语手抄报2 贺新年英语手抄报3

The bell of the new year has been ringing, and the ring of time has left a deep impression. A lunar new year slowly climbed over, opened the title page

Dawn appears first ray of sunshine my deep blessings to you, put away the last hint of sunset carmine my faithful greetings to you. The autumn leaves were floating away, the winter has e, the story of the spring in the bud, cool in summer in anticipation. Every snowflake floats down, every fireworks starts, every second time flows, every msing transmsion, represents my deep blessing, the blessing the true intention, not the confession of thousands of words. If you ms it, you can't say it. The heart of care will never change; sincere friendship will never forget. There a light poem in the leurely cloud, the light of the poem has the joy of continuous joy, and my gentle joy has my gentle blessing. At the dawn of the new year, I wh you: Everything going smoothly., literally, Sanyangkaitai, safe, 66: Five blessings descend upon the house, and good luck, eight

money, 99 concentric, perfect in every respect, smooth work, family happiness, good health, good luck in everything, the future, good luck and suess in life, great luck in making money, family happiness, happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea, suessful in the official career. Longevity! 20XX will send a unforgettable year to a red year of red. I believe that the year will be even higher than that of 20XX. Because times are improving and people are improving. No matter how good 20XX performance , it will be better and more alive than 20XX.

The new year a new beginning a new hope, the new year also a rattle years riding walking out of the new year a matured hope, on the htory of the New Year bell came confidently, like a bright red flag flying high, like a warm spring breeze of the earth.

Along with the gun sounded biansheng, the new year ing, everywhere filled with the atmosphere of bursting with happiness.

New year, of course, to get some new meaning, when new year's day, we all go to the flower market. Came to the door to see a flower decoration gorgeous doorway with plastic flowers into the dress looks like the real thing. Enter the city look too busy, there a wide variety of flowers, everywhere beautiful fragrance. You see how

beautiful the chrysanthemum . The brilliant oranges are full of trees. Peach blossoms bloom

At the beginning of the year, everyone began to vit the year. I went to the house of three and went to grandma's home, and they greeted us enthusiastically. What followed was a literary Gala that was about to begin. Lights the first stage of the most prestigious grandmother, her ic performances "face" really got it made us laugh, add beautiful style to the show. The program one after another, one better than one. Finally, it's my little naughty appearance. I was wearing a pig, leurely walk onto the stage, vividly demonstrates the nature, kind, honest, pig. Said a very heart words of congratulations: wh you good luck, rolling in the water, Business Flourhes, bonanza, a hard-working cute pig, obediently obedient.

I wh the new year, the new year, the year and the new year.
