New Year's eve New Year's eve refers to the annual lunar month of the last night, and it is the firstmonth end to end. "New Year's eve" of the "except" word is "go; easy alternating"meaning, New Year's eve means "month poor old do", people have to welcome,have used the old so far and dividing, next year another sexually compromisingmean, is the lunar year last night. Therefore during the activities around usedorientation, disaster praying for the center. 除夕 除夕是指每年农历腊月的最后一天的晚上,它与正月初一首尾相连。“除夕”中的“除”字是“去;易;交替”的意思,除夕的意思是“月穷岁尽”,人们都要除旧迎新,有旧岁至此而除,来年另换新岁的意思,是农历全年最后的一个晚上。故此期间的活动都围绕着除旧迎新,消灾祈福为中心。 2. The first month pay The Spring Festival is an important activity, is to relatives and friends home andneighbors there new spring, old say congratulations to a happy New Year. HanChinese New Year wind, han dynasty existing. Tang is a very popular, some don'tafter personally to greet MingTie shots, usable. Han dynasty, so called "ci" card,say again "MingCi". After the Ming dynasty, many people in the doorway stick a redpaper bags, only collect MingTie, called "door book".Now people besides followsprevious best way outside, has been a happy New Year and telephone etiquettetelegraph paid etc. 正月初一拜年 春节里的一项重要活动,是到亲朋好友家和邻居那里祝贺新春,旧称拜年。汉族拜年之风,汉代已有。唐宋之后十分盛行,有些不必亲身前往的,可用名帖投贺。东汉时称为“刺”,故名片又称“名刺”。明代之后,许多人家在门口贴一个红纸袋,专收名帖,叫“门簿”。现在人们除了沿袭以往的拜年方式外,又兴起了礼仪电报拜年和电话拜年等 1 / 1 本文来源: