
时间:2024-01-23 12:04:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Once there was a window, looking out from the window - the sky was blue without any impurities, just like a simple heart, with a touch of sweet happiness. At the end of the day, there are many mountains and thick fog, which gives people infinite reverie. They always want to rush out of the mountain one day to see the outside world.

Standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the earth, mountains are connected with mountains, water is surrounded by water, and the green fields are decorated with beautiful rivers. Everything is so unique and different. At this moment, the earth is at your feet, and your dream is about to come true. With a fanatical heart, even if you are young and frivolous, you still have unlimited longing. Even if your dream is not visible, you still have unlimited longing - because when you are young, your heart is farther than the sea and your ambition is higher than the sky.

But until that day, that painful day, an unforgettable day came. When you find yourself running into a wall on all sides and your strength can't be in time, when you find that everything is not within your reach, and when you find that you are not omnipotent, the road of your dream has been lost, the woven dreams are broken one by one, and the young and frivolous ideal keeps sinking, as if it wants to sink forever, leaving only the stubborn self who refuses to admit defeat and dare not admit it Until

you see that you are just an ordinary person.

An ordinary person! This is a great blow, which means that young dreams may not come true again. Life is just a mediocre life. There is no happiness in gray days, and there are only disappointment and loss.

But how can ordinary people deserve their own life? I overheard a story that a teacher wrote a chapter of "ordinary but not mediocre" in his life... "Ordinary but not mediocre!" When I heard these words, my heart was shocked, the cold water began to surge, and my mind began to boil.

There are more ordinary people in life, ordinary people, without outstanding talent, outstanding appearance and deep background. Like most people in the world, we are just an ordinary one among thousands of people. Ordinary represents our reputation, wealth and status. Maybe we can't change it, but mediocrity is a kind of behavior and attitude in dealing with the world, a way of life that is willing to degenerate, not striving for progress and dealing with the world passively.

Those who are unwilling to mediocre have lofty aspirations and lofty dreams. We can be ordinary, but we must not be mediocre. We spend every day happily, work hard, actively contribute to the world around us, constantly enrich our spiritual world, and face everything with

confidence and optimism. Such a life, ordinary and not mediocre, is also no regrets.
