新概念第一册 lesson 41-42 课堂及课后练习

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n.乳酪(不可数) eg. a piece of cheese.一块乳酪/say cheese! 笑一下! n.面包(不可数) eg. a loaf of bread. 一个面包 n.香皂 eg. a bar of soap. 一块肥皂

n.巧克力 eg. a bar of chocolate. 一块巧克力 n. eg. a pound of sugar.一磅糖

n.咖啡 eg. half a pound of coffee.半磅咖啡

n. eg. a quarter of a pound of tea 四分之一磅茶 ,

n.烟草、烟丝 eg. a tin of tobacco. 一听烟丝

n. eg. Is there a bird in the tree 树上有一只鸟吗

[疑问句]什么;一些:Are there any letters 有信没有 [否定句中]什么也;一点儿也: I have some brothers, but not any sisters.我有几个兄弟,可是没有姐妹 [用于肯定句]一些,几个: Some children. 一些孩子 二、课文:领读、句子过关、讲解

1.一个a loaf of 2.一条a bar of 3.一瓶a bottle of 4.一磅a pound of

5.半磅half a pound of 6.四分之一a quarter of 7.四分之一磅a quarter of a pound of 8.一听a tin of ·

9.一块、一张、一片a piece of 10.为了某人、给某人for sb 三、重点语法

英语中的名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。不可数名词意味着这些名词只能是单数,没有复数形式,不能与数目字如onetwo等连用。也不能加不定冠词aan。一些不可数名词如需要表达“数目”这一概念时,可在其前面加上量词。 四、重点句型

is in it它里面有什么 考题:它上面有什么

that tin of tobacco for me那听烟丝是给我的吗 考题:那瓶牛奶是给我的。 's certainly not for me.当然不是给我的。

be句型的一般疑问句 问:Is there a cup here这有一个杯子吗

答:肯定回答 Yes,there is.是的,这有。 否定回答 No,there isn' t.不,这没有。 一、单词连线 !


tobacco 咖啡 bread 乳酪 chocolate

sugar 烟草、烟丝 tea 巧克力 soap 面包 cheese 肥皂 二、翻译:

桌子上有一些书吗 是的,这有, 不,这没有

新概念一L41~42 课前测试


1、乳酪,干酪 2、面包 3、肥皂 4、巧克力 5、糖 6、咖啡 7、茶 8、烟草

9、鸟 10、一些(用于否定、疑问) 11、一些(用于肯定) 12、韩国人(L5 二、词组

1、在椅子上 2、在扶手椅上 31/2磅(介词短语) 41/4(介词短语) (



bottle of milk,two plates and a cup of tea on the table. have are has is tobacco in the tin.

are aren't is isn't is a ______of gold on the ground.

is blackboard _________the classroom.

front of the front of |

I have _______tea

---Sure ,there is ________tea on the table.

, any , some , some , any 6 There ______some sheep in the hill.

A is Bare C be D has 7 There _______a book and two magazines on the table. A is Bare C has D have 8 Are there any books on the desk_____________ A Yes, there aren't B No, there are C Yes, there is D No, there aren't [

9 It's in front of _________. A his B him C be D she 10 ________there any water in the bottle A Have B Has C Is D Are 四、翻译

1 把它放在这个椅子上。




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