新概念英语第一册 Lesson 41-44

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Lesson 41 42


1. some 一些.后面可以用可,也可用不可。一般情用在肯定句中。 There are some pears in the basket. There is some paper on the desk.

any 一些。后面可以用可,也可用不可。一般情用在否定句和疑句中。 Is there any paper on the desk? No, there isnt any paper on the desk.

2. cheese 奶酪 (不可 a piece of cheese

3. soap (不可 a bar of soap soap opera 皂剧 4. chocolate 巧克力(不可 Dont eat chocolate before dinner. 5. sugar (不可 three pounds of sugar . GRAMMAR:


1)前面不能直接加不定冠a, an或者数词

2)可以被some, any some milk, some coffee 3) 通常用做单数 There is some food on the table.

4) 前面可以加上。如:a glass of, a pound of等。 量化后的不可单复数

面量词来决定。 There are three bottles of milk in the refrigerator.

2数词:分数词,序数词2。表示量多少的叫基数词;表示序的叫序数词 A. 数词:基数词就注意以下几点:

1)几十几的基数词的十位数与个要用字符“-接。如: eighty-five 85 2)三位的基数词须在百位和十位(若无十位位)之and接。如: three hundred and sixty-five 365 3数词复数形式。数词hundredthousandmillionbillion前有具体数词several

饰时,必单数。如:several hundred year's ago几百年前

two thousand students B. 数词的特殊用法:


如:in the 1990's 2090年代 in one's twenties在某人20岁时

2)用在习语中。如:in twos and threes三三两两 B. 数词:序数词应注意的几点事

1. 多位的基数词变成序数词时,只需末位基数词变成序数词,前的基数词。如: forty-two 42 forty-second42 nine-hundred 900 nine-hundredth900 2) . 数词用阿拉伯字表示,必字后加上序数词的最后两个字母。如: 21st 21 32nd 32

3) . 数词前一般要用定冠the,如果序数词前用aan表示“又一;再一”(有具体


Though he had failed twicehe wanted to try a third time.


4) first(1st), second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th), sixth(6th),

seventh(7th), eighth(8th), ninth(9th), tenth(10th), eleventh(11th),

twelfth(12th), thirteenth(13th), fourteenth(14th), fifteenth(15th), sixteenth(16th), seventeenth(17th), eighteenth(18th) , nineteenth(19th), twentieth(20th).



1). :分的分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如:one fifth五分之一 one tenth十分之一 2分子大于1,分母用序数词复数。如:two thirds三分之二 five eighths八分之五 3分子是1可以用one也可以用a.如:a second = one second a third = one third 4分母是24,分可以用halfquarter代替。如a half, three quarters四分之三 百分:百分percent表示。如:forty percent百分之四十 three percent百分之三 D. 、百分数与一致


复数形式;、百分不可词时谓语动词单数形式。如: Eighty percent of the employees in our company come from Henan.

Three fourths of the students in my class are interested in English.

Two thirds of the water on the earth is sea water. 地球上三分之二的水是海水。

Lesson 43 44


1. of course 当然

of course语气较为强硬, 在口语中,通常用sure, certainly

2. behind ……..后面

He sits behind him. The train was behind time. 1) behind, after

behind 是方位的前后,在……的后面。 We walk behind her. after 是时间后顺序的先后,在……后。 She came after me. 2) 反义词:in front of, before …….之前

in front of 指方位的前后,与behind 是反义词。 before是时间后顺序的先后,与after是反义词。

3. find 找到(强调结果) I cant find my watch. find out 查出 . GRAMMAR:

情态动词can, could的用法 1.can

1) 表示“能力”“客观可能性” Can you play the piano? 2) 表示“请求”“允许” Can I go now? Yes, you can.

2. could

1) 作为can 的过去式。

She couldnt come to dinner last night. 2) 客气、委婉的请求。

Could you tell me the time, please?


1There is milk in the bottle.


A. a B. the C. some D. any 2) There some apples and a watermelon in the basket. A. is B. has C. are D. have 3) The little boy is because he cant his mother.

A. cry, finding B. cry, find C. crys ,finding D. crying, find 4) Where is the teapot? There is on the table.

A. a B. the C. one D. some 5) The bookstore is our school.

A. on the left B. in middle of C. on the front of D. near 2、改错

1) Can I coming in?

2) Can Tim do it ? Ask he.

3) John is next the door.

4).There isnt some juice in the bottle.


1 你能看到大树前面的那个男人吗? 不,我看不见。






7 你明天可以把你的车借给我用用吗?


