
时间:2022-05-24 17:38:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


On May 12th , 2015, a worst earthquake in the past decades struck Sichuan Province, China. People suffered great loss in their lives and properties.

Most buildings were razed in worst-hit areas with so many people, including school students, buried underneath the ruins. Roads and communication facilities have been completely destroyed ,thus cut off from outside. A large number of school buildings collapsed and only a few teachers and students escaped. What was worse, days of rain has held back relief efforts.

Fortunately, our government is taking effective measures to rescue those trapped and buried. Premier Wen Jiabao was quick to reach the scene and personally oversaw the relief work. "As long as there is even a little hope, we will redouble our efforts 100 times and will never relax our efforts,” he told crying locals. Troops and medical teams have been rushed to dig for survivors and treat the injured without a moment’s rest. The population in the surrounding countryside is helping donating food and water for those affected. Financial aid has been pouring in from all over China. Substantial donations from other countries and humanitarian organizations have also been offered.

I believe we can certainly overcome the disaster with the public and the government working together.

四川地震灾区慰问信 [2] 亲爱的灾区同胞们:

惊悉20155121428分祖国四川汶川县发生规模里氏七点八级强烈地震,强度大,波及面广,给灾区人民生命、财产带来十分严重的影响。全法中国留学人员团体联合会谨代表全体留法学者学生及旅法华人向灾区人民表达诚挚的慰问和深切的关怀!向参加抗震救灾的广大干部群众及中国人民解放军、武警部队官兵致以崇高的敬意!向在震灾中遇难的群众表示沉痛的哀悼!并衷心地祝愿所有受灾同胞得到及时救助,所有受伤的同胞早日康复。 灾难无情,人有情,虽然我们身在异乡,不能亲自参加到抗震救灾的.一线活动中去,但是我们的心跟灾区人民紧紧相连。一方有难、八方支援,遇难的同胞们,加油,只要我们万众一心,无论什么事都能克服。你们不要悲哀,不要诅丧,更不要哭泣,因为在同一片蓝天下,你们还有我们在地球的某一个角落为你们祈祷平安,不要灰心,也不要丧气,只要自信,观。真诚的面对现在所发生的一切,事情一定会解决的。我们会争取以最快的速度将我们的心意送到你们的手中。 我知道很多人失去了亲人,我也知道失去亲人比用针刺你的心更痛,但是,你们要坚强起来,振作起来,让我们大家一起来重建一个美丽的家园吧! 最后,祝你们早一点坚强起来,加油!

