人口用英语怎么说 人口是一个内容复杂、综合多种社会关系的社会实体,具有性别和年龄及自然构成,多种社会构成和社会关系、经济构成和经济关系。人口的出生、死亡、婚配,处于家庭关系、民族关系、经济关系、政治关系及社会关系之中,一切社会活动、社会关系、社会现象和社会问题都同人口发展过程相关。那么你知道人口用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 人口英语说法1: population 人口英语说法2: the number of people in a family 人口的相关短语: 流动人口 floating population ; Migration in China ; transient population ; mobile population 菲律宾人口 Demographics of the Philippines ; Austrian Filipino ; European-Filipino ; Philippine Italians 人口老化 population ageing ; aging of population ; Ageing population ; Demographic shift 美国人口 Demographics of the United States ; Demographics of us ; Population of united states ; Demography of the US 英国人口 Demography of the United Kingdom ; Demographics of United Kingdom ; UK population ; Demography of the UK 日本人口 demographics of Japan ; Japanese Demographics ; Demography of Japan ; Japan demographics 人口的英语例句: 1. Albania is a small nation state of around 3 million people. 阿尔巴尼亚是一个大约有300万人口的单一民族独立国家。 2. Somalia, pop. 7.9 million, income per head about £1.60 a week. 索马里,人口790万,人均收入大约每周1.60英镑。 3. Overcrowding has taxed the city's ability to deal with waste. 人口过多使得城市的垃圾处理能力达到了极限。 4. The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there's bound to be conflict. 各民族人口如此杂居,肯定会发生冲突。 5. Food production has already fallen behind the population growth. 粮食生产已经跟不上人口增长。 6. Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city's pollution is its population. 环境保护主义者说造成该城市污染问题的一个关键因素是其人口数量。 7. Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy. 西尔伯说税收的回落可能会大大减少为贫困人口提供的基本服务。 8. There are 1.7 million blind and visually impaired people in Britain. 英国有170万失明和视力受损人口。 9. Bihar had a population roughly the same as that of England. 比哈尔邦的人口几乎和英国的一样。 10. The population explodes to 40,000 during the tourist season. 旅游季节,人口激增至4万。 11. There is a concern about replenish-ment of the population. 有人担心人口的补充问题。 12. Kenya's population is growing at 4.1 per cent per annum. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7f21bb385c0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d376ee1431.html