
时间:2023-12-19 01:44:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


怎样说英文,才不会显得你没礼貌?英文中的软性字眼,像是 thank you, please, possibly等都很常使用,当你在问问题或是回应时,如果你不想让人觉得无礼.不客气,加入这些软性字的提问或回答,会让对方听起来很有礼貌,语气上也比较柔和。

《Let’s talk》讲师 Michele Youtube 上面列举了一些在提问.拒绝时.否定时,较有礼貌的英文表达方式,一起来看看吧!


1. Can I take this chair, please?

>> Could I borrow this chair, please? >> Could I possibly borrow this chair? 我可以借这张椅子吗?

2. May I turn the music down?

>> Would you mind turning the music down, please? 你介意把音乐调小声吗?

3. Could I ask you to move your chair, please?

>> Could I just ask you to move your chair, please? 我可以请你移一下椅子吗?

4. Roll up your sleeve.

>> Could you just roll up your sleeve, for me? 你能为我卷起你的袖子吗?

5. Sign your name there.

>> Could you sign your name there, for me? 你能帮我在这签名吗?

6. Do you have a member’s card?

>> Do you have a members card at all? 你有会员卡吗? 拒绝时…

7, I’m a bit busy at the moment.

>> If you don’t mind I’m a bit busy at the moment, can we catch up in the afternoon?


8. we’re using that chair.

>> I’m sorry we’re using that chair. 很抱歉我们刚好在用那张椅子。

9. We need those books.

>> I’m afraid we need those books. 恐怕我们需要那些书。 不同意时…

10. I disagree with you there.

>> I have to say, I disagree with you there. 我不得不说 我不同意你这一点。

11. I agree with you there.

>> I’m not sure I agree with you there. 我不确定我是否同意你的看法。
