
时间:2022-04-07 12:00:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

参观原指对各种情况加以比较观察,现指实地观看,比如参观故宫。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 参观英语单词1 visit

参观英语单词2 see

参观英语单词3 look around 参观的英语例句: 我们去参观这个小镇。

We went to look around the town.


Whenever I go to Taipei, I make a point of visiting the National Palace Museum.


These two Spaniards have visited several cities in China. 参观博物馆被推迟了。

Our visit to the museum is postponed. 参观者被引导到工厂的各处去参观。

The visitors were conducted over the factory. 谢谢你带参观者四处参观。

Thank you for showing visitors around. 谁愿意到楼下去参观参观我的手枪靶场?

Would anybody like to visit my pistol range downstairs?


The caves can be visited only by prior arrangement. 他在十月份参观了FT的伦敦总部,并有意参与此项重要决 参观博物馆人们络绎不绝。

People went to visit the Museum on and on. 伦敦是值得参观的城市。

London is a city worth visiting. 我们安排了该工作组参观我们的总部。

We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters. 参观博物馆是一段令人难忘的经历。

A visit to the Museum is an unforgettable experience. 参观现在已经被无限期推迟了。

The visit has now been postponed indefinitely. 我们同意你去参观这个车间。

You may have our leave to visit the workshop. 他们参观了展览,但没有发表任何看法。

They visited the show but observed nothing on it. 我们和几个来旅游的外国人一起参观了博物馆。

We visited the museum in company with foreign tourists. 参观展览会的人络绎不绝。

A continuous flow of visitors came to the exhibition. 公开展览,任人参观。

An open exhibition, free to all visitors.


When we asked to see more we were refused. Indeed we were escorted away by men with guns.

