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【期刊名称】《中国行政管理》 【年(),期】2012(000)012

【摘 要】城市的本质属性是“城市公共性”。城市建设和管理偏离其“城市公共性”,排他性和自利性作祟,使城市公共品体系的供给能力边界被突破,必然导致“城市病”发生,城市规模超出城市资源环境承栽能力仅是其表现之一。“城市公共性”偏离起因于城市管理定位失准、体制性因素,以及城市主导理念、基本评判标准和纠正力量缺乏。城市必须注重培育城市公共文化,强化城市公共品体系能力边界约束和“短板管理”,遵从公共品体系的开放性,提升城市公共品体系向社会公共品体系过渡。%The essential attribute of the city is the urban publicity. Because of the urban construction and management deviate from the "urban publicity" and the impact of urban exclusiveness and self--interest, the boundary of urban public goods system supply ability is broken. As a result, 'urban diseases' is inevitable. The scale of urban development be- yond the urban resources and environment carrying capacity is only one of their performances. The deviation of "urban publicity" attributes to the urban management misregistration, institutional factors and the lack of city--led philoso- phy, basic criteria and corrective forces. Therefore, the city must pay attention to foster city public culture, strength- en the constraint force of urban public goods supply system boundary and "short--board" management. Finally, we should also comply with the

openness of the public goods system, and promote the urban public goods system to the transition to the social public goods system. 【总页数】5(P64-68) 【作 者】姜杰;邬松;张鑫

【作者单位】山东大学政治学与公共管理学院,济南250100;山东大学政治学与公共管理学院,济南250100;山东大学政治学与公共管理学院,济南250100 【正文语种】 【中图分类】F062.6 【相关文献】

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