举手发言_英语周记100字带翻译 今天我戴着红领巾上学,心里可兴奋了,所有的小朋友都戴着红领巾,戴上红领巾都是中国少年先锋队队员了,上课必须做得端端正正,认真听讲,好好学习。今天上数学课,我举手了一次,但是蔺老师没有提问我,我也没有再举手,以后我要多举手发言。 Today, I went to school wearing a red scarf. I was very excited. All the children were wearing red scarf. They were all members of the Chinese young pioneers. They must do well in class, listen carefully and study hard. I raised my hand once in math class today, but Miss Lin didn't ask me questions, and I didn't raise my hand again. I will raise my hand more later. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/82b8c9fa53e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f4336460.html