四上 U7 总结 如何询问价格: “…多少钱?” 问单数物体:How much is…? It’s + 钱数。 问复数物体:How much are…? They’re+ 钱数。 1. 多少钱~~~~ how much 2. 对比:多少个~~~~ how many (询问可数名词的数量)how many + 名词复数 多少~~~ how much (询问不可数名词的量)how much+ 不可数名词 How many books do you have?(你有多少本书?) (much 和 many 是同义词) How many fans do you have? (扇子你有多少) How much water do you have?你有多少水? How much milk do you want? 你想要多少牛奶? 3. 我能帮助你吗?~~~~ Can I help you? 这句话如何在商店或餐馆里问,就是问“您想要什么?”,一般回答:I’d like… 4. 我想要这鞋子。~~~ I’d like these shoes. 考点:I’d like = I would like 我想要, would like = want “想要” 想要做某事 would like to do sth= want to do sth. 想要某物 would like sth = want sth. 5. 这些鞋子~~~~ these shoes (鞋子一般是一对的,通常要用复数形式,单数表示一只鞋) 这双鞋子~~~~ this pair of shoes 这两双鞋子~~ these two pairs of shoes socks 6. 一双…/一对… a pair of + 名词复数 glasses a pair of shoes gloves trousers 7. 它多少钱?~~~~ How much is it? 回答时用,“它+钱数。”It’s … 它们多少钱?~~~~ How much are they? 回答时用,“它们+钱数。”They’re… i. 或者直接回答钱数也可以。 8. 些那袜子~~~~ these socks (socks 同样一般是复数形式) 三双袜子~~~ three pairs of socks, 五双袜子~~~ five pairs of socks 考点: This pair of socks is beautiful. (量词pair 为单数, be动词用单数 is) Those pairs of socks are cheap. ( 量词pairs 为复数,be 动词用复数 are) Here is a bottle of water. VS Here are some bottles of water. 9. 这些袜子非常好看。~~~~ These socks are very nice. 10. 一把伞 an umbrella (u 的发音为[ʌ], 是元音,元音音素前用an) 一把很酷的雨伞~~ a cool umbrella (c 的发音是[k], 是辅音。辅音音素前用a ) 11. 给你。~~~~ Here you are. 12. 只是,仅仅~~~~ only (副词,通常放在实义动词之前,其他动词后) 13. 动词的种类 实义动词/行为动词(run, talk, jump, skate, eat, swim, play, shout, sleep) be 动词( am, is, are) 情态动词( can, may, would ,will….) 助动词(do, does, did, will) 14. 它只要19元。~~~~ It’s only nineteen yuan. 元~~~~ yuan, 这个词没有复数,不能加s, 例如:三元—three yuan, 五元—five yuan 美元~~ dollar, 五美金~~ five dollars, 英镑~~ pound, 两英镑~~ two pounds 15. 这个雨伞很酷。~~~~ This umbrella is cool. 16. 我们有28元。~~~~ We have twenty-eight yuan. twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 如何表达两位数: “整十”-“各位数” 21:twenty-one 34: thirty- four 45: forty-five 17. 干的好。~~~~ Well done. (用来赞美别人某事做得好。) 18. 猜猜。~~~~Guess. 19. 你想要多少个?~~~~ How many would you like?=How many … would you like? How many 在此后省略了一个名词,因为说话双方都知道 20. 它们是给我的妹妹缇娜的。~~~~ These are for my sister Tina. (for:给某人的) 21. 多么漂亮啊!~~~~ How beautiful! 22. 它的尾巴很长。~~~~ Her tail is long. (long”长的”,反义词 short “短的”) 尾巴 tail 同音词 tell “告诉” 23. 在河附近~~~~ near the river 住在和附近 live near the river 24. 在夏天游泳~~~~ swim in Summer 在夏天~~~ in summer (考点:在某个季节,介词用in ~~~ in spring, in autumn, in winte 他们喜爱在夏天游泳。~~~ They love to swim in summer. (喜爱做某事love to do sth) 25. 服装店~~~ the clothes shop 26. 它们很便宜~~~They are very cheap. (便宜的~~~~ cheap 贵的~~~~ expensive) 27. 试穿 ~~~~ try…on 试穿它们~~~~ try them on 28. 全部买下它们~~~~ buy them all 29. fan 扇子 I have a fan. Do you have any fans? 粉丝 I am your fan. 我是你的粉丝。 30. 眼镜 glasses ( 表示“眼镜”的时候,永远用复数形式。想想眼镜有几个镜片?) glass 玻璃 (不可数名词) (玻璃做的)杯子 ( 可数名词) 两个杯子 –two glasses 31. 她的 her ,我的my, 你的 your, 他的 his, 它的 its, 我们的our, 你们的 your, 它们的 their (注意:形容词性物主代词后一定要跟上名词) 32. 五个男人~~~ five men ( 男人 man , 复数 men) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/834d8281ef3a87c24028915f804d2b160b4e8614.html