饮食习惯: 1.德国人爱吃猪肉,其次是牛肉,特别是以猪肉制成的香肠最为喜欢。 2.德国人胃口较大,喜欢吃油腻食物。在饮酒方面,德国人最为喜爱的是啤酒。 Food habits: 1. Germans like pork best, especially pork sausages, beef second. 2. Germans have a big appetite, and have a special liking for greasy food. In terms of drinking, they prefer beer. 用餐细节与禁忌: 5.吃鱼的刀叉不能用来吃肉或者奶酪。 6.吃饭前应先喝啤酒,再喝葡萄酒。 7.就餐期间,双手要放在桌面上,直到最后一位客人用餐完毕并上过咖啡喝完白兰地后才能吸烟。 8.就餐完毕后,主动提出告辞,不可逗留过夜。 Details and taboos 5. Knife and fork for fish cannot be used for meat or cheese. 6. Drink wine after beer before meal. 7. During meal, hands should be on the table. No smoking until the last guest finishes coffee and brandy. 8. After meal, excuse yourself and do not stay for night. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/84d10a69aeaad1f346933f8c.html