英国人的饮食习惯 英汉对照
英国人的饮食习惯及英文介绍 In the UK we have many different names for mealtimes, including ‘Breakfast’, ‘Brunch’, ‘Elevenses’, ‘Lunch’, ‘Tea’, ‘Dinner’ and ‘Supper’! What people eat and when can vary greatly – in some parts of the UK, people may eat their meals at different times, and in some parts of the UK, ‘dinner’ means ‘lunch’, and ‘supper’ means ‘dinner’! 在英国,一天中的几顿饭都有它们各自的名字,比如breakfast早餐,brunch早午餐,elevenses午前茶,lunch午餐,tea下午茶,dinner(晚餐,正餐),supper晚饭。什么时候该吃什么区别大着呢,在英国的某些地区,人们是在这几个不同的时间点吃饭,而在另一些地方,dinner指的是lunch,supper就是dinner。 Although this may seem very confusing (and it is, even for British people!), many of the names are very old-fashioned, and not often used. ‘Elevenses’ and ‘Tea’ are examples of two old-fashioned snacks that are rarely eaten today. ‘Elevenses’ is eaten at 11:00 am, consisting of cake or biscuits with a cup of tea or coffee. Two traditional characters from English children’s books, Winnie the Pooh and Paddington Bear, used to always ‘take Elevenses’! ‘Tea’ is a very similar meal, and a British tradition, which involves snacking on cakes, with a cup of tea, and is normally eaten between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. 看起来貌似复杂得很(事实正是如此,即使对于英国人来说也一样),很多叫法都早已过时,不怎么被人使用。比如elevenses和tea,这两道茶点现在几乎没什么人享用了。Elevenses一般是在上午11:00,包括一杯一杯茶或咖啡就着蛋糕和饼干吃。童话书《小熊维尼》和《帕丁顿熊》里的两位传统的小主角一直保留着吃午餐前茶点的习惯。Tea下午茶相当于一小顿饭,按照英国传统,这一餐需要一杯茶伴着一些蛋糕佐食,时间一般是下午4:30到5:30之间。 However because people tend to have busy lifestyles in contemporary Britain, we only eat three main meals each day – called breakfast, lunch and dinner. 但由于现在的英国人的生活通常很忙碌,他们一般一天只吃三顿主餐,分别叫breakfast,lunch和dinner。 Nowadays, people usually eat breakfast between 7:00 am and 9:00 am. Breakfast is considered a very important meal, and is essential to having a good start to the day. In fact, once a year there is a weekly campaign called ‘Think Breakfast’ to encourage people to eat better breakfast! The word ‘Breakfast’ comes from an old-fashioned phrase ‘breaking the fast’ (a ‘fast’ means not eating for a long period of time). So breakfast literally means eating again for the first time after sleeping through the night. 英国人每天吃早餐的时间为早上7点到9点之间,早餐应是一天中非常重要的一餐,“一日之计在于早餐”。事实上,这里每年都会举行一次为期一周的名为“想想早餐”的运动,旨在鼓励大家都要吃好早餐。Breakfast这个单词源于古语“breaking the fast”(fast的意思是斋戒,禁食一段时间),因此,早餐breakfast 的字面意思就是经过一夜睡眠之后的首次进食。 A traditional English breakfast includes sausages, bacon, fried eggs, mushrooms, baked beans, fried tomatoes, and toast with butter. However, these days most people don’t eat a traditional breakfast every day, or even at all. This is because it is very unhealthy, and many people don’t have time to cook. These days, most people eat a bowl of cereal (made from grains like corn, wheat and oats) with milk, or have a slice of toast with butter. In fact, in the UK the average person eats about 6 kilos of cereal every year – this is much more than most European countries. In the winter many people eat a hot cereal called ‘porridge’, which is made from oats. This is especially popular in Scotland. 传统的英式早餐包括香肠,培根,煎蛋,蘑菇,烤豆角,煎西红柿以及面包黄油。但现代多数人不会每天都这么吃,或者说根本不这么吃。一方面是因为这样的早餐不够健康,另一方面还因为很多人没时间做这样的早餐。现在,很多人都吃一碗加了牛奶的谷物粥(各种谷物像是玉米,小麦和燕麦),或是一片摸了黄油的面包。英国人每年人均要吃掉大约6公斤的谷物粥,这个数字远远大于许多欧洲国家。冬天,多数英国人会吃一种燕麦做的,叫porridge的热谷物粥,在苏格兰地区尤为流行。 Lunch is normally eaten between 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm. Because school-children and people at work are very busy, this is normally a quick meal. In fact, many parents give their children a ‘packed lunch’ in a plastic ‘lunch-box’. This usually consists of a sandwich (two slices of bread with a filling inside, normally cheese or meat with some lettuce) and a packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a drink. 午餐时间通常是中午12点到下午2点之间,由于孩子们要上学、大人要上班,所以这一餐通常是很快就解决的。通常,许多家长会给孩子们用塑料午餐盒带“便当”吃,便当一般是一块三明治(两片面包中间加些馅料,通常是芝士或者肉再加些生菜),一袋薯片,一份水果和一瓶饮料。 However, on Sunday people usually have a longer and larger lunch called ‘Sunday lunch’. It is a time that people like to spend with their family, and usually consists of a roast meat (like chicken, beef, lamb or pork), served with roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, vegetables and gravy (a thin sauce which is eaten with the meat). 但一到星期天,英国人通常会慢慢享受一顿丰盛的午餐,这顿午餐就叫“Sunday lunch”周末午餐。这一餐是人们和家人一起,吃的是烤肉(像是鸡肉,牛肉,羊羔肉或猪肉),烤土豆,约克郡布丁,蔬菜和肉汤。 Dinner is eaten in the evening. Children usually eat this earlier, at about 6:30 pm, though many adults eat later, between 7:00 and 8:00 or later. This is usually the main meal of the day, and a time for people to relax and enjoy a cooked meal with friends or family after a hard day at work. ‘Going out for dinner’ to a restaurant is a very popular place to have a date, and some people see eating good food as a very romantic thing to do. 正餐则是晚上吃的,孩子们一般会早点吃,6点30左右,而大人们会吃得晚一点,晚上7:00到8:00甚至更晚。晚餐是一天当中最主要的一餐,也是人们在劳累了一天之后,放松自己与朋友或家人一起好好享受烹制美食的美好时光。 “下馆子”去餐馆则是很常见的约会地点,还有些人把享用一顿美餐当成一件异常浪漫的事情呢。 Glossary 生词表 brunch (n.) - a meal that combines breakfast and lunch together and is usually eaten in the late morning elevenses (n.) - (informal) something small to eat and drink between breakfast and lunch supper (n.) - a very small meal that is eaten in the late evening contemporary (adj.) - modern campaign (n.) - a series of actions or planned activities to do something kilo (n.) - a kilogram porridge (n.) - a hot food made from oatmeal and milk or water filling (n.) - the layer of food (e.g. cream, fruit) inside a sandwich or cake Yorkshire pudding (n.) - a savoury dish that consists of a baked mixture of flour, milk, and eggs. It is a traditional British dish and is usually eaten with roast beef 美国人的饮食分三餐,即早餐(breakfast)、午餐(lunch)和晚餐(supper)。 早餐以果汁(juice)为主,主食一般是麦片粥(porridge)、鸡蛋、蛋奶烘饼、土司和薄煎饼。 午餐因人而异。在餐馆吃午饭的人常吃三明治(sandwich)、汉堡包(hamburger)和热狗(hot dog)。午餐时,孩子们往往喝牛奶或饮料,成年人喜欢喝咖啡(coffee)、茶或啤酒。上班族或学生基本上是吃家里带来的三明治。另外,为了节省时间,许多人到自助餐厅就餐。那里有自动售货机,顾客可以从自动售货机里买到汤(soup)、三明治、饮料、水果和甜食(sweet food)。 在美国,一天中最为丰盛的是晚餐,通常有好几道菜:开胃品(新鲜水果、水果汁或一份鱼汤)、色拉(salad)、主菜(肉、鱼、土豆、米饭、面条等)和甜食。大多数美国人喜欢的甜食有:蛋糕、馅饼(pie)、小甜饼(cookie)、冰激凌(ice cream)。由于晚餐通常吃得比较早,所以吃夜宵(midnight snack)也成了多数家庭的习惯,孩子们常在上床前喝些奶或吃些小甜饼,成年人通常则吃些水果或甜食。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b89c3656366baf1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45ffee.html