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高一的英语作文 1

I think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children. 我觉得将来我会成为一名教师,因为我喜欢和孩子们待在一起。

I'll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it.

我会住在上海,因为我去年夏天去上海的时候就爱上了它。 I think it's really a beautiful city. 我真的觉得那是一个美丽的城市。

As a teacher, I'll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person.

作为一名老师,我会尽力教好我的学生并告诉他们如何做一个有用的人。 In my free time, I'll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird.

在我的'空闲时间,我会听音乐,流行歌曲,和我的朋友去购物,有时候我会养宠物,也许会是一只色彩鲜艳的鸟。 It makes me happy. 它能让我开心。

During the summer holiday, I'll go to Italy on vacation. 暑假的时候我会去意大利度假。 I hear that it's a great place to have fun. 我听说那里是去玩的好地方。

高一的英语作文 2

China, my motherland, is really a great country.

It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers

9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.

As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It’s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the antiJapanese war during 19371945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they

never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It’s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.

China was founded as an independent country named People’s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast

development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation’s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 20xx,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.

Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she’ll have a better future.

高一的英语作文 3

There is a story that an old woman always feels unhappy, because when the sun comes out, she worries about her daughter's business, because the girl sells umbrella.

But when it rains, she stills feels unhappy for she worries about her another daugther's business. People tell her to change his point of view, when the it is fine, she can feel happy about her second daughter's business and when it rains, she can be happy about her first daughter's business. In that way, she will be a positive woman every day.

We can't change the fact, but we can treat things in another way, so that we can be positive all the time.

高一的英语作文 4

The first week of school has been a mixed experience for me.I left my old friends and gained new ones.My new teachers were especially impressive,each of them has a different teaching strategy to engage the students in learning.Take my history teacher,for example,he always makes facetious remarks and anecdotes to engage the students,and history has become one of my favourite

classes.However,with all these amiable changes comes other undesirable consequences,in my first week of school I am inundated with a deluge of

homework,which prompts me to scour the internet for solutions.Overall,I think that my first week in high school is a very good experience!
