
时间:2022-08-11 19:06:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
I Love This Land 我爱这土地

Ai Qing 艾青

If I were a bird, 假如我是一只鸟,

I would sing with my hoarse voice. 我也应该用嘶哑的喉咙歌唱:

Of this land buffeted by storms, 这被暴风雨所打击着的土地,

Of this river turbulent with our grief, 这永远汹涌着我们的悲愤的河流,

Of these angry winds ceaselessly blowing, 这无止息地吹刮着的激怒的风,

And of the dawn, infinitely gentle over the woods..


Then I would die. 然后我死了,

And even my feathers would rot in the soil. 连羽毛也腐烂在土地里面。

Why are my eyes always brimming with tears? 为什么我的眼里常含泪水?

Because I love this land so deeply. 因为我对这土地爱得深沉。
